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Everything posted by PPod

  1. Just used this on my dads car came out amazing. https://shop.autofinesse.co.uk/revive-500ml
  2. Yeah i have long legs (6ft 4 1/2 inches) and my knee hits the wheel but plenty of head room.
  3. And rare beast in standard/undrifted condition. A 350z that hasn't been modified in any type of way will be worth loads . Never seen one as of yet
  4. Wait a few more weeks http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/116261-uprev-arc-upgrades-de-cars/#entry1728519 Good chance de will get the switchable option
  5. Great post and comments looks like this will be an upcoming mod
  6. Were you the guy with the red z before ? Yeah that's right! Red 350z, R33 skyline, 330D m sport, back to 350z lol Back to the best car then
  7. Were you the guy with the red z before ?
  8. Got to be Chris at dyna tune knows his stuff.
  9. As said if you find a well looked after Z of any type or mileage then you won't have any regrets. Personally I will always go for a de as I like tuning/modifying (seems to be more support for de and cheaper mods compared to the hr) so its better for myself to pay less on the car itself and then spend more getting it to what I like its a hobby and its fun. Just now I could of had a mint hr from what I have spent but what's the point when I wouldn't have done anything too it.
  10. Easy win best cars and best forum going
  11. They look very nice on a silver Z still got them on ?
  12. Will do cheers. Can't wait to see them on
  13. ^^^ brilliant thanks for that taking the lights round on Monday to swap them wile the bumpers off.
  14. This part is wrong, bi-xenons are factory facelift headlights, if he had those, he wouldn't have to upgrade Also, cars with prefacelift lights which are xenons, have an 8 pin connector, so that means ALL UK cars have 8 pin connectors. The only cars that may have 6 pin connectors are those from the USDM and JDM, I expect all EUDM cars to have xenons too, but I can't confirm that. So yes, facelift headlights are completely plug and play in all UK cars Any chance you guys may have an idea of what type my lights are on my z. It's a late 05 plate but I currently don't have the car at the moment to check. Ordered up the depo lights thinking it would be plug and play but think I may have screwed up
  15. I love your car a bit more every time i check this thread
  16. Niiiice that audio was spot on I have been trying for a good few months using a number of different phones to catch the sound from a fly by with my mates but it never picked the noise up like it was in person. Yours is very clear.
  17. Can anyone beat my record of 4 times in the space of 8 days ? 1. Just got new exhaust so was nice and loud as you expect and as I drove onto the dueler and joined on at about 60mph police flicked there lights on but I just ignored it thinking it was someone else, must of drove for a good minute until he turned the siren on and started pointing his finger towards the hard shoulder haha. I swear this is what he said "do you know what you done wrong son" "sorry I don't". "well I heard your car was going fast and i struggled to keep up with you" I then laughed which I know i shouldn't have done but I then started to say about how my cars loud due to just getting a new exhaust but he then interrupted and told me to "shut up". Handed my licence and he then sat with it for 45 minutes then after that told me to move along. 2. Next day took my car to work from Glasgow to Aberdeen so finished my shift early at 03.00 was driving along and the police pull up behind me again. Drove for about 15mins with the police following me everywhere I went was going into roads I have never been down but they finally turned their lights on. In my head I was thinking it was fake police or something so ended up driving to local Tesco just incase. Anyway all they were doing was checking my car incase it was stolen as its registered at Glasgow. 3. Next day exactly the same again police pull me over few yards from my work talking about how they are checking incase it was stolen but the guy had a young officer who just spoke to me about my car and how he loved the wheels 😆 4. To top the week off driving back home Aberdeen to Glasgow and as I got to Dundee lo and behold guess who is behind me at about 05.00 on the empty road another one. So if you know that road there's a long 50mph stretch and you pass big Tesco but there is slip roads that goes up wile the road stays underneath. So police go up wile I go down so I thought good there gone few mins later that come back down lights on pulled over again. This time it was "so wee believe you were speeding as you made it to the end of this road faster than us" no word of a lie I was just as disgusted as the first incident. Anyway they had no evidence of either incident and from this day I still have had no points or fined on the z. Currently this year been pulled over 3 times its annoys me that much I just take my other car some months
  18. Hawk eyes haha hard spot that
  19. Out may 5th going to see it due to the fact a z is on the big screen again haha 1.50 onwards
  20. Cheers Olly will check them out just now
  21. I will be posting pics up and that when I finally get them set up. They do look smart so I'm hoping they go with the red should do I think.
  22. Cheers man this could save the day will order these up as well here's hoping.
  23. Will they work with the depo headlights ?
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