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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. He was just another nobhead then like the hundreds of others on the road!
  2. The way you've explained it sounds like you were undertaking on the inside lane to pass the slower vehicle. And did the same to the guy who "fingered " you. Maybe thats what pi$$ed him off even though he did it himself Edit: Baby on board signs and other general clutter hanging from mirrors apparently cause 1 in 20 accidents http://www.telegraph...-accidents.html
  3. Doesnt matter what rules there are .....ya still end up in the doghouse! Keep yer mouth shut...thats my advice!
  4. I got my 07 HR a few months ago for less than £9500 with 30k miles. You just have to be patient and wait for the right one to appear. ......then pounce sharpish!!
  5. I was looking for about 4 months and limited myself to about 150 miles. Even that distance seriously limits your choice, especially living in SW Wales as its a zed desert down here Eventually found one over Christmas in Chester (250 mile round trip) This is supposed to be a bad time of year for buying & selling, but worked out well for me. I would of thought Warrington was a good place to be, right on the M network near Lpool & Mnchester You just need to be patient, and be prepared to travel when one pops up
  6. from Wales Beautiful looking car you've got there!
  7. Bilt Hamber clay bars are good and you can use plain water as a lube
  8. He's been taking lessons from Mikhail Koklyaev!
  9. It was freezin' up there...temp dropped to 0'C and a gale was blowin. Didnt hang around long. Plenty of opposite lock action on the way up!
  10. First chance I've had to take a few pics up on the A4069 since buying the car over Christmas. The weather was worst down in the valley as the road was covered in hail and the zed was sliding all over the place. Was looking for a place to turn back when the road ahead cleared so I carried on.
  11. Yep..we've fallen foul of the big google tidy up... We've been on the web for 10 years, so the 16,000 links we've built up are all legit as far as we're concerned. Problem is...no one is entirely sure what google classes as a good link - I guess we're about to find out!!! It has put small and big people out of business though, no joke!
  12. Sorry for the confusion....I'm no expert but here goes..... Google are updating the way they work and tidying up the web! This means that many of the old methods of SEO (search engine optimisation) no longer work. Up until recently, links were seen as a good thing for your website - ie. links from other websites to your own. A link could be an endorsement from a customer on a blog, or a recommendation on a forum...they all made your website more attractive to google. SEO businesses jumped on the bandwagon and bought cheap links in bulk...pretty much a link to your website on a blank page. Effectively these bulk links tricked google into thinking that your website was a high-quality, popular website with good content. Google no longer want to be tricked like this so they are being extra fastidious about link quality. If the links to your website are numerous, unfavourable, questionable, dead or obsolete (very likely on an older website) google can take a manual action against you. You do not necessarily have to have been involved in any dodgy link building activities! far from it! A manual action means that your website no longer appears in the google search engine and your website cannot be found through google! Bad news for online shops! The process to get back on google is lengthy. Firstly - all your links must be 'cleaned' and if you have 16,000 of them that is going to take some time. If your link is not of supreme quality (ie. it is not 100% relevant to your site) it has to go. To get rid of a link, you have to contact the webmaster for the website that hosts the link...and ask them to remove it. In the likely event there is no reply you have to request removal of the link 3 times - before google can see that you have done your best and will automatically disavow the link. Once you're ready, you can submit a reconsideration request to google. They may take up to 4 weeks to answer you. And the answer may be no, it may be yes. And so the process continues....it's a gamble because no one is 100% sure what links are acceptable any more....as even healthy links have been rejected. So get checking the links to your website, get them checked out...and if you get penalised - good luck!
  13. So how do you run an online shop without a search engine!!? It's not much fun being at the mercy of Google. All to do with illegal links. That's pretty bad news for business! 6 weeks of work to do and a large cheque to write before we can put... in another request to reconsider. Our last request was rejected. If it works, we MIGHT get our website back in April if we're very lucky. If you run a business from a website - get it checked out before it's too late. You've been warned!
  14. Its herd mentality....they all like to be huddled up together I was parked up at a garage once when a truck came in, scraped the whole length of my car. When confronted, the guy, oblivious to what he had done, threw his fists up in the air and came at me. There were 2 of us and after quickly backpedaling across the forecourt we managed to calm him down. He thought we were trying to stitch him up. Total dumb sh1t
  15. You could give Peter Lloyd Rallying at Bridgend a ring on 01656 724777 They do steel fabrication for Escorts etc. They might have a roller for your arches If they cant do it, they might be able to point you in the right direction. Dont know any places around Swansea Sorry cant be more helpful As you said, it sucks around here!
  16. Any advice on what to bring for a 1st timer, besides a good supply of clean underpants, loads of cash for petrol and a few shandies. There will be no room for my 2 buckets & lambswool mitt!
  17. from Wales White looks great.....a nice clean colour
  18. If you can find a "Very Friendly Tester" and there are some about, then the car will pass emissions even if its been decatted.
  19. re: Walkers Crisps "Simply Roast Chicken - with free range chicken from Devon" :lol: hahahahaha!!! WHAT!....you mean to say there is actual chicken dna in there, ...WOW......sorry had to laugh the way they market this stuff!
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