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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. to the forum I think you've answered your own question there. As you said, there is no way of knowing the oil consumption before you buy the car as it takes time to build up a picture. If you've any doubts then avoid them. You'll be paying more road tax on the later 06's so you might as well stretch your budget to £9.5k and get your missus an HR. This is what i decided to do after searching around a few months ago. Good luck with the search
  2. Agree with the above comments....I personally prefer to do my own servicing as I then know its been done properly. I find this a lot, in other walks of life too. If you want a job doing properly then do it yourself (most of the time anyway) I got my P3 service fluids from Horsham (H-Dev) If its something I cant handle I'll pass it to my trusted Indy, but no way would I go near a main dealer
  3. I use Sensodyne to clean mine as my Zed is such a sensitive biatch!
  4. to the forum ........... and wishing you lots of happy zedding for the months ahead
  5. For what its worth heres my opinion.......Do what Keyser says..mimic what you intend to do with the concrete blob with wood first to see if it works. As he said you will need tornado bolts to screw the timber to the concrete. Drill say a 10 or 12mm holes in the concrete and screw the bolts straight in. If you wanted to proceed with the concrete humps then you would need to dig about a foot down before forming your concrete hump above as this would give it some foundation. Otherwise if you just sat the hump on top it would quickly break up. Good luck
  6. to the forum Basic or not the main thing is.....its a Zed As long as you're happy with it....thats all that matters......enjoy!!!
  7. to the forum Patience is a virtue when searching for a zed. The right one will turn up eventually.......you just have to hang on in there!
  8. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/57930-oil-level-help/ http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/49443-you-fecking-dipstick-oil-useage-advice/ Fuchs Titan race or Motul 8100 5w30
  9. I think the 350 hr is great value for money. I picked up mine for just over £9k 07 with 30k. Loads of grunt for my needs at the mo, at least until its paid for. Cant go wrong imo....best looks as well
  10. Zed looks great....good work on the polishing as well!
  11. Fair play to the guy for building it, but he does look a bit of a dick driving it around. Imagine looking out of your window and seeing that glide past :lol:
  12. You've done a great job there . Zed looks beautiful! Its so satisfying to see the end result after putting some effort in. Therapeutic to both body & soul
  13. Alreet owd lad! If its had a recent clutch change then I wouldnt worry about it. It saves you the expense of changing it in the near future
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