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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. Nice work mate.....progressing very nicely The Ark exhaust looks fantastic.....look forward to hearing it in a few weeks time. What are those kinda like "auxiliary" cylinders on the back for? Never seen them before (excuse my ignorance)
  2. Hey....Nothing wrong with those pics.......looks great!
  3. to the forum. Hope you have a great day Roland!
  4. There are many references in folklore advising against sleeping under an elder and it has been suspected that the strong smell of elder leaves may have mildly narcotic influences. Get sniffin'
  5. Thanks Roscopervis, I'll bookmark Avia Autos for future use
  6. Sir, do you take me for some kind of an idiot!
  7. to the forum.....you'll be grinning all the way home!
  8. to the forum Faye, nice motor you've got there A free thinker as well eh......interesting!
  9. It's just a bit like the revometer in the 350z 0 - 6.5k RPM, anything in that zone is fine.. You accidentally down shift to a lower gear while hammering it and end up past that RPM, there isn't much hope for your banjo string. That's not the first time I've been told. I do feel pretty bad if the bloke is genuinely unaware of what the redline is but I mean come on, that's like not knowing what a banjo string is. Let's just hope he hasn't snapped his banjo string Just to keep on this point and not to make the guy feel bad but I went around the office, in the name of investigatory journalism, and asked several of the non car people what a redline is in car terms. They all knew. this is just a joke, I asked one bloke who doesn't like cars who said 'it's the thingy that stops you revving your engine thing past a certain point on the thingy in front of you For a minute then I thought you were going to ask them what a banjo string was OWWWWW painful!!!!
  10. Mouthwash....Go and wash your mouth out! :lol:
  11. Must be a common Renault trend. I remember doing a 3 point turn in the driveway once at my folks house and the steering wheel on my renault 5 sheered clean off. Half left on the splines other half in my hands. Was really glad i wasnt out on the road doing 60mph. Good ol' Renault. Wonder why I haven't seen a 5 in over a decade? Because you aint been looking hard enough.....I have one here if you'd like to buy it!
  12. Confucious say: Man who drive car with wet feet is like man wiping bum with no paper. Sh*t will happen!
  13. Just squeeze one tube of Molyslip into the gearbox with your Nissan MT-XZ gear oil. Just use Nissan Diff Fluid on its own for the diff.
  14. Pond life....thats all I can say really! Wouldnt waste my time reading about all this celeb crap in the first place. Its bad enough having to deal with idiots every day without reading about them as well!
  15. Coolant is Nissan L248 Premix I believe if you just drain the rad then you'll need 5L but 9L if you drain the block as well I need to do this myself, but am a bit wary after reading all the horror stories of air locks. Will probably let my trusted indy do it. You'll need Nissan Diff Fluid 2L and I replaced my brake fluid with Motul RBF600 (DOT4)
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