It's just a bit like the revometer in the 350z 0 - 6.5k RPM, anything in that zone is fine.. You accidentally down shift to a lower gear while hammering it and end up past that RPM, there isn't much hope for your banjo string.
That's not the first time I've been told.
I do feel pretty bad if the bloke is genuinely unaware of what the redline is but I mean come on, that's like not knowing what a banjo string is.
Let's just hope he hasn't snapped his banjo string
Just to keep on this point and not to make the guy feel bad but I went around the office, in the name of investigatory journalism, and asked several of the non car people what a redline is in car terms.
They all knew.
this is just a joke, I asked one bloke who doesn't like cars who said 'it's the thingy that stops you revving your engine thing past a certain point on the thingy in front of you
For a minute then I thought you were going to ask them what a banjo string was OWWWWW painful!!!!