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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. 1. glrnet+1 £28.40 2. JZA70 +1 £28.40 3. The bounty bar kid +1 £28.40 4. M13KYF £14.20 5. Toothy +1 £28.40 6. Ken £14.20 7. 14N £14.20 8. Bockaaarck + 1 £28.40 9. Andyvvc +1 £28.40 10. davedutch +1 £28.40 11. Gudzy87 +1 £28.40 12. Screamer +1 £28.40 13. Ebized +1 £28.40 14. Andy James + 1 £28.40 15. Spursmaddave + 1 £28.40 16. gort + 1 £28.40 17. 350zedd + 1 £28.40
  2. Hey.....you've brought a tear to my eye watching that! Thanks for sharing .....thought provoking!
  3. Looks like your patience has paid off there.....lovely colour....good job!
  4. Looks very smart....well done! Next job.....stubby?
  5. Listening to that little lot..... gonna have to wear earplugs, music blastin' and windows tight shut on this Wales gig ........ otherwise I'm goin' to be seriously outa pocket!!!!! Damn & blast!!
  6. Out in the sticks here, my nearest garage where I can get V-Power is about 8 miles away. The Shell reward scheme imo is useless as you have to spend around £700 before you get £2.50 back......what a joke! Its not worth the bother of getting the saver card swiped, so I don't bother.....I just fill up The deal with Tesco Clubcard points seems much more rewarding but its 25 mile away!!
  7. Both of them seemed to have their minds on other things. She was lulled into crossing by the stationary cars but should have looked left. He should have been extra observant due to the stationary cars and knowing the possibility of pedestrians stepping out. He also appeared to be going too fast in that situation. Blame in both camps imo.
  8. I bought my 57 313GT with 30k in January for less than £9.5k.....private sale
  9. Fitted stubby Zedd's zed looks out of place now and needs one as well!! One of the disadvantages of rural living is that as soon as you get outa the gate, the car gets covered in all the surrounding farm crap on the road! Both in need of a good wash!
  10. What a beaut!! Looks great
  11. Nicely said GM F**k 'em all!!!!
  12. Awwwww!.....sorry to hear this. I suppose its like seeing someone you used to love after the relationships ended, and you still have feelings for them. The answer is to go out and get another Zed..... FAST!!!
  13. 1. glrnet - Graham 2. Ken - Ken 3. Ebized - Colin 4. Darren - Darren 5. Will370z - Will 6. Paddy78 - ? 7. Buster - Bob 8. Shezza - ? 9. TheBountyBarKid - Dipam 10. SpursMadDave - Dave 11. octet - Adrian 12. Humpy - Steve 13. Grundy - Matt 14. Mopedmark - Mark 15, 14N - Ian 16. Andyvvc - Andy 17. Keyser - Which car are you coming in? 18. ioneabee - Andy 19. Howee - ? 20. JetSet - Pete, one or two cars? 21. Wizurd. - Dan 22. davedutch - Dave? 23. Ph7 - ? 24. Gudzy - Tom 25. Atkin666 - Chris 26. 2 drives now available but no accommodation (was Matt) 27. chirag1988 - ? 28. Ragtopzed1 - ? 29. Bockaarck - Straun 30. AmyZed - Amy 31. Lexx - Al 32. Andy James - Andy 33. Screamer - Mike 34. jjt - Jonathan 35. 350zedd - Stephen 36. Rickdon - Richard 37. Shire - James 38. Sharpen - ? 39. GT4 Zed - Bennet 40. Nigel Barfoot - Nigel? 41. Leosille - Ryan 42. M13KYF - Mike 43.Spatt - ? 44. Haydn - Haydn 45. Madmikester - Mike 46. Toothy - ? 47. Harryjax - ? 48. choptop. - Rich 49. gort - Bill 50. Beavis - Dave 51. Scully - Alexander 52. Roscoe - Ross 53. JZA70 - ?
  14. I hear that you'll be running with the S/C group in a couple of weeks...... as you'll be able to out-brake everyone with your new colour calipers
  15. So satisfying when you sort out a niggling problem. Enjoy the extra..... POWER!!!!
  16. Really excited to see this up in Wales in a couple of weeks. It looks absolutely immaculate I'll be armed with a notepad!
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