You were in the room right above ours and made one hell of a racket.......but I'll forgive you this time as you seem a very nice chap!
and maybe as compensation you can help me fit my supercharger!
Chill out dude......relax!!
I confronted a lorry driver...point was he scraped my whole car down one side in a garage forecourt
He came at me with fists raised ready to give me a smack...I back-pedalled smartish until he calmed down and was able to communicate verbally!!
You never know how people are going to react in a confrontation
If a female zed owner waved at me I'd probably crash or wipers on full speed
Never seen a zed in 5 months I've had the car.....don't know what I'll be like on Friday...
probably a tad overexcited, stupid really at my age but I cant help it!