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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. Hi and welcome along The Ark Grip is just right on stock cats...not too loud...not too quiet!
  2. In my bitter experience, don't ever contact the local council about anything........ever!!!!
  3. Hmm....she has a sense of humour then? only when its at my expense By the way.....is she perched on your shoulder reading this?
  4. Hmm....she has a sense of humour then?
  5. To and from the shed every day
  6. Glad I wasn't putting the bins out at the end of the path otherwise ........... ....
  7. This didnt make the papers but it blocked the road right outside our gate. Milk tanker and trailer jack-knifed as it came around the bend. Control panel door opened apparently on the side of the tanker, locking on the brakes!!
  8. Hadnt forgotten...just didnt want to offend
  9. Here's 3 more....... What mpg can I expect? When shall I change gear? What's your mileage?
  10. I suppose its better than making stories up as they usually do..........or is it? They have to fill it with something.
  11. Ioneabee lives only 40 miles away!
  12. Did it come with any rustproofing? Best get the Waxoyl out before it disintegrates into a rust heap!
  13. Don't do regular journeys so it could be £60 one week and £0 the next 20 mile one week 500 mile the next......
  14. Wishing you all the best for a tear-free strip down and restoration. Hope all goes to plan
  15. I've forgotton what her face looks like ...already!
  16. +1 on the Ark system....its a beaut!!
  17. 350zedd

    Sesanta Ultrac

    After being a passenger with you both in Wales I could comment but all I will say is some things like a fine wine or a good cheese improve with age, and that goes for 370z drivers too apparently Sent from the golf club... Unlike the sauvignons and chardonnays of this world made with an emphasis on structure, freshness & fruit, Ioneabee is like one of those young Californian wines which favours power and immediate impact! So how come those tyres lasted so long?
  18. 350zedd

    Sesanta Ultrac

    .........or ferrying grandma around?
  19. Hope your welding's improved in the meantime....looks like a bird has shat all over it!
  20. Diagnosis of faults and repair very expensive I had a Ford Tdci which had niggling fuelling problems Every time it went in for diagnosis/repair it was £500. I lived with the faults in the end Set of Injectors & fuel pumps each costing around £1000 Easy to put the wrong fuel in Exhaust particulate filters blocking up on short runs...expensive to replace ...........give me petrol every time
  21. I still have that album, a lot scratched tho it was my parents tho = but I;m 53 Now that really makes me feel old!!!! But hey, I'm still in my FIFTYS (by a couple of weeks)
  22. the lean-to looks a bit dodgy.....I like the ladder roped to the scaffolding
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