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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. Are you buying her anything nice for her birthday? Perfume maybe?
  2. Hi and welcome along from another old git! Congratulations on choosing the best version Zed
  3. Happy Birthday Shazzer!!! Have a good one
  4. The 453 is apparently an improved updated version of the 452 so will probably perform differently. I wouldn't mix them on the same axle. If you decide to change the tyre, then I would fit a matching pair of your choice. I run 453's on the back and 452's on the front
  5. Good effort there by your son. Another 10 yrs and he'll be directing Fast and Furious 12!!
  6. Hats off to you there for the great effort you've put in, to transform that garden into something of beauty. Very immpressive! Great philosophy too in leaving something behind which will benefit others. I know how much hard work has gone into that as I've had to start from scratch myself. Had a WWoofer living here for the last 10 weeks who is supposed to work in exchange for board & lodging Done as little as possible, so gonna have to get stuck in myself again after he leaves tomorrow.
  7. Lets hope they move out pretty soon and you get more considerate neighbours. We've always had problems with neighbours over one thing or another, thats why we now live out in the sticks and wouldn't have it any other way. As Pete says, Its great to have no neighbours, no close ones at least.
  8. Hi and welcome Patience is your friend when searching for a Zed....Good Luck!!
  9. GM... have you jumped ship? .....its one of those German things!!
  10. I thought the Hotel Grimsel Hospiz looked a bit grim from the outside...are they all like that? Anyhow, googled it and the interior looked quite nice. Some great photos taken. Thanks for sharing
  11. Hi Ken, Asked a couple of lads at Wigan Motor Club. Although not an Indy they recommend: Middlehurst Garage Jackson Street St Helens WA9 1AW
  12. I suggested you go there in the first place, but you wont listen to an ... .........hahaha! :notworthy: * * * MELVYN EVANS * * * :notworthy:
  13. well - at least I didn't scare the vomit out of my son :clap:
  14. If you really like night driving we could do a couple of road rallies....I could navigate for you and....er....no forget that....your driving scares the sht out of me!!!
  15. Its a lovely time to be in bed as well!!.....you will live in these built up areas
  16. Awww! she looks cute in there...all nice 'n dry and cosy!!
  17. I've gone back to BT purely for the speed in which they deal with line faults. Out in the sticks here, trees fall on lines quite often and if you're with a 3rd party provider, reporting a fault seems to take ages to get through to the right people. ..........after all that, BT will come out and do the repair.
  18. I'll reiterate what others have already said: If you can afford an HR then its a no brainer....bang for buck its a bargain!!!! Improved engine, power, interior etc When you floor it, that extra road tax counts for nothing.....the thrill of driving it is worth every penny in by book You won't regret it!
  19. Good Luck with the build (mine was a hellish nightmare but that's another story)
  20. Nice collection of photos on what looks to have been an interesting trip Cheers
  21. Guilty. Castle Combe tomorrow so you all get a break. Racing or spectating?
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