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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. I think the closest you can get to this, is to add him on to your own policy for a short period. Failing that, I think it will be hard to find anyone interested, without having a full licence for 12 months
  2. Don't be surprised if there's a nasty amongst the birthday cards!! If you spot "pontypridd" on the back then......
  3. If your passing anytime, drop in and we can sort you a massage or reiki session at mates rates......then you WILL feel chilled
  4. Talk about Hyper....your mind appears to be working faster than your legs here. If that lots really going through your head, then you need to CHILL OUT big time!! ......otherwise you wont see 50!
  5. never mind the teenagers............as a parent sitting in front of them during Parent/Teacher time............ iLittle becomes iSlightlyLarger!
  6. Did it have a stubby? If not, it was probably an alien!
  7. Nice job! You've got me thinking of my stock rear end ....what shall I do with it? I only use the first 3 gears now!!
  8. Hi and welcome along I'm another "youngster" who found the best kept secret. Glad you're enjoying the experience!!
  9. My lad has an Azure Blue 54reg zed for around the budget you are talking, and is very happy with it. Its just that the HR is a newer upgraded version and better all round in my opinion. Thats why I went for it. The choice is yours my friend Try and test drive both versions if you're undecided.
  10. Hi and welcome to the forum If you can afford it, then go for the HR, without a doubt, better engine all round. I avoided the rev-ups because of the oil issues, pushed the finances and went for an HR. I was after a black but ended up with a night blue....beautiful motor
  11. Congratulations on a great choice! I hope you enjoy driving it as much as I love driving mine
  12. I think you've answered your own question there I'm not a believer in storing things up for tomorrow, so if I were you, I'd sell the cossie and buy another Zed. You know how much you enjoy driving it,so really its a no brainer! Enjoy today while it is today!!......if you get my drift
  13. You're right....there's more trees than cars around here, so no chance of spotting any Zeds for the foreseeable!
  14. Get yourself a multimeter if you haven't already got one. You can pick a cheap one up for around £10, and it will always come in handy for checking fuses etc. Set it to DC VOLTS Put the probes across the horn terminals as someone is pressing the horn. Are you reading voltage? If not, ( and the fuse is ok) you need to check out the horn push connections on the steering wheel. If you do get 12 volts then the horns are duff (unlikely) or possibly a bad earth connection
  15. I wonder if part of the "tnt are good" experience is because you're a direct customer of theirs, so they have a need to keep you happy. Unlike with paisley freight where you're just another person to tnt We did have a contract with FedEx before TNT and found them crap...losing consignments etc... that's why we changed couriers
  16. .......'cos we wont get the adrenaline rush when we boot it!!! you do that ................really...............when was that - I must have missed it Your eyesight must be failing......after all you are approaching the big 50 (in 12mnths)
  17. I remember when they first altered the layout of that roundabout years ago. Couldn't believe the logic behind making 3 lanes into a 2 lane roundabout...everyone was squeezing each other out! Glad I don't use it every day as I used too..
  18. .......'cos we wont get the adrenaline rush when we boot it!!!
  19. After your wedding !!...I'm sorry, but then it will be too late You need to invest now......I've just fitted an Ark and cant get out of 2nd & 3rd gear because of that beautiful V6 chorus!
  20. Interesting comments on the couriers - we've used TNT for the past 7 years and they collect from us every day. Bend over backwards to help. No problems whatsoever. Now on the other hand FedEX.... they're something else! It could be down to individual drivers.....I've seen some of these guys walking all over the stuff and chucking it about it the van
  21. How come you keep seeing these Zeds all over the place Shady? Haven't seen one on the road yet!! Did you make him an offer for it?
  22. Always write the time of day on the receipt when you sell your car, and get the other party to sign it
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