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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. Well done!! Have yourself a large glass of wine to celebrate..... and loosen up those vocal chords!
  2. Typical local hospitality..... not to mention 3 unmarried daughters! and cue Grundy... Whens the date? Can I get an invite this time to Marry 3 women, you can all be my best men! I'm locking the gates unless you have ....er.....a large bank balance ........... and a zed that works!
  3. Typical local hospitality..... ......just aint got enough T bags to sustain Ken and only 1 bottle of car shampoo, not to mention 3 unmarried daughters!
  4. I can see my place on the pic of the map. Thank God you lot never drove past here!!
  5. Mug of tea on mine at the mo Look forward to the 1% increased vision..ha!
  6. Sounds like its been doing some low-level flying
  7. Happy Birthday Spud!!! All the best!
  8. Wishing you the best of luck for Friday morning. If you have the enthusiasm to sing, then nothing can stop you. Don't give up if you make mistakes, we all do, as its part of the learning process, but persevere and it will come right in the end. Singing carols in September??........hmmmm......sorry but.....
  9. Hi Barry, welcome along......patience is your friend when searching
  10. After looking at those shots you definitely need a 7D II body to help you improve your technique!!
  11. Try posting a few close-up pics on here. Someone will advise on the best action to take with a polisher
  12. Great choice!....one of my daughters has the Lumix FZ45, an outstanding little camera which takes absolutely superb shots. Other daughter has a FZ72
  13. Don't be seduced by the marketing hype!! They're experts in relieving you of your hard earned cash for a few upgrades. Ok, so the 7DMk2 is a great camera body for sports and wildlife, with its tracking AF system and high ISO range, but does it justify spending £1500!!! Can't you get a firmware upgrade to increase the ISO range on your current body? If you want it that bad, then you will convince yourself by whatever means! Do you want to take night shots hand held with huge ISO? I just use a tripod @ ISO100. I doubt whether you will see a big difference in shots compared to your old 7D to justify spending £1500, but its your choice in the end. If it was me, I'd probably wait a couple of years then buy a used body. Good luck in deciding and lets know what choice you make Edit: Link to some high ISO shots with the Mk2 http://mattgranger.com/7d2 .......nice!
  14. 350zedd

    1st MOT

    So happy for you .....mines next week!
  15. Here's a link to their website in Japan http://www.veilsidejpn.com/en/contact.php There's a enquiry form you could use, or maybe email one of their international distributors in US or Hong Kong
  16. Hope you don't mind a critique on a few of the images, so here goes I'm not a fan of the graffiti backdrop, too cluttered imo, distracts from the zed. I can see your reflection on the car in a couple of images...try and avoid this. I like the hay bales shot on Flickr but you might like to clone the power cables out Apart from that, the zed looks great and there's plenty of good shots there. Good luck with the business
  17. Andrew....HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAL !!!.......have a great day!!! You'll soon be catching me up!!
  18. the bbc article suggests it's with immediate effect and sturgeon is front runner to replace him. Sounds fishy to me!!
  19. Welcome along Tom from another father & son combo
  20. I think the whole voting/counting process is totally antiquated and open to abuse. I mean people counting bits of paper and stacking them into piles.....come on its 2014 not 1914!
  21. ..........in the meantime, you could allow him take his girl out in the Zed if he wants to impress. You could supervise from the boot......don't worry, if they turn around, they wont see you anyway, unless they look down
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