Yes I agree. Christianity, islam and judaism are patriarchal religions where men are favoured over women. Religions are mysogynistic and actively promote inequality and disrespect. Religions are responsible for encouraging women to be treated as second class (or no class) citizens with no voice. We only have to look at the holy texts to see that the pages are full of stories that glorify violence, ethnic cleansing, zenophobia, racism and sexism.
Women have been silenced and intimidated for thousands of years. They are viewed as a threat, a source of sin and evil, something to be hidden and covered up, rather than being beautiful, functioning, contributing human beings.
Its also interesting to note that in the Hebrew scripture there are many different names for "God" depicting "his" character and personality. These are all lost in the English translation, as they are all translated as "God" or Lord" which tells you nothing. Some infer a duality of gender ie. male/female