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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. Might be an idea to copy the policy document first, then send it recorded, if they say they never received it. Mind you, you cant always guarantee it gets to the right person.....but then you could resend it. I've sent goods to people in the past who've never received them, but some buggers signed for them and ran off with it.
  2. or PM Shades Rs http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/87886-53-nissan-350z-gt-breaking-spares-with-20-khans/page__st__100
  3. Sounds a bit of a rip-off to me. I'd get a few more quotes if I were you.
  4. Doughnuts, donuts or dohnuts....whatever!! ......................................but never donoughts no - as i typed it......................do noughts ie not the edible kind :lol: otherwise the zed shed crew would turn up Ahhh....very subtle......I'll let you off with that one then
  5. Doughnuts, donuts or dohnuts....whatever!! ......................................but never donoughts
  6. we'll all come and visit and rev up outside and just for good measure - throw in a couple of doughnuts YOU'LL NEVER FIND ME...HAHAHA!!! ............................ corrected that spelling for you ^^^
  7. Hi and welcome to the forum Craig ............from 35 miles north
  8. 1. glrnet x2 2. GMballistic x1 3. Grundy225 x1 (Might have 2 ) 4. Keyser x1 5. Veeg33 x1 6. Scott_f91 x1 7.Andy James x1 8. Dunks x1 9. 14N x1 10. Sam McGoo 11. Mikeyazure x1 12. DoogyRev x1 13. Stoker11 x 1 14. Paddy78 x 1 15. tatooandy67 x 1 16.Gixxeruk x 1 17.Crb x 1 18. Steve916 x 1 19. SuperStu x2 20. Bizz 21. Wendy x 1 22. mrt x 1 23. 350zedd x 1 24. 25.
  9. Just ordered some PNS now!! Trying to get my daughter to use Sonax, so I've just done half the bonnet on her Lancer with BSD so she can see the beading effect
  10. I'm going to try this myself, as I'm using BSD at the moment which is awesome, but don't know if its man enough for winter conditions.
  11. Me an Pete will gang up on ya, any more comments like dat, dya know warra mean like lad!
  12. I caught my neighbour actually washing his car with one of those sponge ones with the abrasive pan cleaners last weekend - couldn't believe my eyes - he said because it was particularly dirty I hope you enlightened him on the correct way to wash a car, being the good neighbour you are.
  13. You think you have problems now ...wait 'till you get to my age Maybe I'll have lost my hearing by then like my mother, ...if I'm lucky. Hey you...I'm not THAT old yet.....didn't you know that 60 is the new 30 As long as my ears don't start elongating aarrrghh!! Some of the old guys you see have massive ears, dont know whether its cos their head shrinks or their ears grow bigger!
  14. You think you have problems now ...wait 'till you get to my age
  15. Yes I agree. Christianity, islam and judaism are patriarchal religions where men are favoured over women. Religions are mysogynistic and actively promote inequality and disrespect. Religions are responsible for encouraging women to be treated as second class (or no class) citizens with no voice. We only have to look at the holy texts to see that the pages are full of stories that glorify violence, ethnic cleansing, zenophobia, racism and sexism. Women have been silenced and intimidated for thousands of years. They are viewed as a threat, a source of sin and evil, something to be hidden and covered up, rather than being beautiful, functioning, contributing human beings. Its also interesting to note that in the Hebrew scripture there are many different names for "God" depicting "his" character and personality. These are all lost in the English translation, as they are all translated as "God" or Lord" which tells you nothing. Some infer a duality of gender ie. male/female
  16. Welcome to the forum Steve, Great looking car, my son has an azure blue also....... HKS supercharger...WOW....plenty of kick then! Enjoy when you get back to shore
  17. Don't you need to go to Church for a couple of weeks before hand? Yep. They make you go a few times or they don't let you get married there. I do kind of get the appeal, nice buildings make for nice photos and all that, but there was no way I was getting married in church. I don't know what they charge but the worlds only trillionaire organisation must surely need every penny Do you mean the one that is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence ? The greatest possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.
  18. .........was gonna say, don't forget ya booster seat Hope you have a great time, and remember to post some pics, so we can all admire your skills at the wheel!
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