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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. I thought you lived in that dump of a place called Whitemill ?
  2. How can I have missed this.......another Zed in Carmarthen!!!!
  3. Glad to hear you've resolved the situation without too much distress. You can now move on with your life and put it down to experience. Wishing you a chilled out xmas and new year
  4. Hi and welcome to the forum from another young at heart!
  5. A kind and compassionate act is often its own reward
  6. Sorry to hear about your problems, and hope you get a replacement motor fitted soon. Look forward to seeing you both at future meets here in South Wales. All the best!
  7. Knocking seems to have come on quick. How was it on the way back home? Check the tightness of the wheel nuts first. I had a wheel pull off due to loose nuts!
  8. Hi and welcome You wont need any persuading with 400+ horses behind you!!..............just a large tyre budget!
  9. Hi and welcome Its a great feeling, that first drive back home....I'm sure you'll enjoy it
  10. 350zedd

    The Z

    I like the unpainted one .....wouldn't have to worry about parking at Tescos!
  11. Please open a photobucket account NOW!!!! Its as easy as writing this thread Upload your pics........then click on the IMG link to the right of the pic.....then paste on here.........simples!!
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum Whereabouts are you in South Wales?
  13. Oil change is simples. Just drop the oil, unscrew filter and replace. Fit sump plug with new copper crush washer supplied, and refill with oil. Gearbox - Undo filler plug on side first, then undo drain plug. Refill with gear oil and tube of molyslip. Spark plugs will need replacing at that mileage, and you might want to change the diff oil while you're at it. PM Clark M/S and they will supply exactly what you need
  14. i know I'm a bit late for this, but have been incommunicado over the weekend, so just replayed the GP and..... :yahoo: YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! LEWIS.......AWESOME!!! :clap:
  15. ......errrr more like 40 around here!
  16. No, but have been to Millenium stadium in Cardiff to see Springsteen a few years ago (family forced me) It was absolutely crap Totally muffled sound....couldn't hear anything!! ...........never again!
  17. Oooooowww!!!!.......I wonder where that took place...........hmmmmm.........now let me guess......somewhere where they can just about manage to drive in a straight line!!
  18. I wouldn't like to be your opponent if you look like this
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