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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. Hello and welcome Make sure you always fill up on Super Unleaded
  2. 350zedd

    Yankee Zeds video

    Yes, the Night Blue ....lovely. A hint of gold is probably the best colour for a set of wheels on the Night Blue imo...........hmmmm!
  3. 350zedd

    Yankee Zeds video

    I love those wheels in the video, but I think it will be a while in the future before I could afford anything like that. What.....like next month you mean!
  4. On the website you will see that there is a 10% discount on 4 nights or more but not during july and august. We are offering you guys a 10% discount at any time for more than two nights. Those prices are per room not per person Hope that makes it clear Ah right, just spotted that, thanks for pointing it out. Last time I was down in Cornwall (Zennor) was 30yrs ago! Think a visit is long overdue. Hope to come down when the weather warms up.
  5. I'd say he more than liked it, he was positively orgasmic about it!
  6. Thanks for that....have pm'd Yankeesitter. Is San Marino blue the same as Night blue....never heard of it, before you mentioned it.
  7. On the website, the room tariff for July and August is the same as for the rest of the year!
  8. Has anyone driven along this route from Lindau to Berchtesgaden? What's the best scenic route to take from Calais to Southern Germany? Any advice welcome thanks
  9. Was the knackered belt causing it to go into limp mode then?
  10. Very nice indeed...looks fantastic...bet you are well pleased
  11. . . . . . . . . . . going to the dentist this afternoon .......open wide
  12. Maybe the bus driver cut her up earlier on....surely she wouldn't be driving like that for no reason, would she?.......unless she was a nut job. The bus driver was acting cool and not getting angry, maybe he was feeling guilty about something he'd done. Who knows? Anyone speak Turkish?
  13. C'est la vie my friend........$hit happens!
  14. That's a pity......my wife bought an 08 last week. I'm sure it will sell fast, as hers was the fourth one to sell that same day. Must be in demand as they are great little cars.
  15. Ooooh, what's this? I like fighter jet switches! Ejector seat! Runs my Dash camera so it's easily switched on while on the move if I come across something interesting! Damn it!..... I thought it energised the thrust vector control system used in conjunction with the big silver button
  16. Have a Weihrauch .22 rifle with Hawke scope.....you're welcome to borrow it anytime ......could meet up if you want.
  17. He's probably still pi$$ed from last night!
  18. Just stare at them.........that should scare them off!
  19. Mate....you need to get back into bed with No1 and try and push those adulterous thoughts to the back of your mind
  20. Doesn't bear thinking about . . . . . . . . . . . . . eating cold chips!
  21. Fully paid up knobhead by the sounds of it!
  22. Wishing you and your passengers many hot bums for the future ha ha! I've never actually found the need to use the heated seats yet. Would have to be well below zero before I switched them on. Might give them a try before the weather warms up. Can understand them being used for driving with the top down though
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