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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. Hi and welcome along Like the pic of the TT with the "slow" water Good luck with the search
  2. Sorry to hear that Steve......what a bummer!
  3. 350zedd

    Rally 370Z

    Great stuff.....enjoyed that Here's another that Will posted up before, but worth another listen while we're here
  4. So can I, its a disgrace......dont you ever clean it?
  5. Me too.....though, if its not salt, its cow s**t !!
  6. " don't know if its the same where you are but I don't see hardly any 350s around here? One thing thats great about them is the exclusivity" Never seen anything around here either....mind you, there's not much here anyway except trees and sheep.......and plenty of crap on the road! By the way, hello and welcome along
  7. Not the best place to park up! Good job they had an escape route. Happens all the time around here with tractors, you have to be very careful approaching blind corners or else you might end up.......
  8. OMG this can't be true. I've modelled my life on Clarkson. If he's finished, I'm finished too! Seriously though, who gives a flying f**k. He's made his millions, more than enough to never have to "work" again!
  9. Best of luck with the planning.......you'll need it!
  10. If you want to run a kettle or heater in there, then a small generator is your best option. Cant you rig something up to vent the exhaust to outside? If its too noisy, stick it in a fireproof/soundproof box with vents. Failing that, wear some ear defenders.
  11. Sorry, no idea. Better getting a quote from someone like RT-Performance
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum 1st job then......fit a stubby, makes the Z look so much sleeker.
  13. This is still for sale if you are interested http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/95081-for-sale-350z-amuse-vestito-rear-bumper/
  14. Recommend Phil Price Rally School in Knighton, Powys LD7 1TD Driving Mk2 Escorts or Scoobs. But probably too far for you....3hrs from London ....sorry!
  15. Nice pics mate!......well done.
  16. Laugharne......where Dylan Thomas used to hang out. Taken with a Sigma Merril DP1
  17. You should have bought an HR.......you know it makes sense!
  18. ^^ ......mind you don't fall into the Irish Sea!
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