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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. Go for the HR ....you should get a private sale for £9500 I waited 6 months before the right one turned up, and did a 6hr round trip to pick her up. And that's pretty good living in the Welsh outback, as there are no decent cars for sale around here for zillions of miles. Just be patient and the right one will turn up
  2. Congratulations and welcome Laughing hysterically to yourself sounds about right in a zed .......I do it all the time!!
  3. If a fluid top-up doesn't cure it, then the power steering pump will probably be knackered.
  4. What did you get for that? ....oil and filter change probably!
  5. PM ShadesRS .....he lives local to you, and may have one off the Zed he's breaking.
  6. I'd like one, but as Dave said, would prefer them without the name plates, then I'd have two.
  7. Thanks for sharing your exploits......enjoyable read and great pics. The driving sounds a bit naff though, 50mph and no-one overtaking. Is it really as bad as it sounds?.....might try a fjord/boat trip instead.
  8. ioneabee in the green driving group?? Are you feeling ok Andy?(speed freak), or maybe you've had a bump to the head
  9. I hope you've changed your underpants, sounds like they were overdue!
  10. They need to replace that Glenister guy, he doesn't appear to be interested in the slightest How about Clarkson instead
  11. I was going to say, you need to change your forum name to "MRSNIKI" but after seeing the above pic...........forget it! Congratulations by the way
  12. Ha ha! made me laugh ......that list looks very familiar
  13. Best of luck with your search .......and dont forget to put some pics up when you get her home.
  14. As above ....heard nothing back yet about payment
  15. It's just blues/greens and red I see a different shade/tone to others, so it's hard for me to get those right - I.e. I over did it on Amy's I've been told. Prom pic? - If you're referring to the 3rd image, I intentionally enhanced that one to bring out the blue in the sky. I've only been adjusting it minor, as I was watching a few videos online about how you will get dead pixels on over exposed shots etc. And I'm shooting in RAW now I'll have a look thank you, When I said cheap, I didn't mean a £20 flimsey thing, just that I didn't want to pay £200 for say something that £50 could do what I'm after. (Random prices btw) - It's not something I'd use all the time, but would like to have one for certain photo ideas. My camera's a Canon EOS 450D I think some of them are a bit grainey from Incarnation because I upped the clarity a bit, just mainly because for me, the lighting was dull due to lack of sun and mostly cloudy. So just wanted the photo's to pop a bit more.Another reason as you can see in the images below...The Sea had to much white and you couldn't actually see the ocean. If I could of captured the ocean without enhancing the car I probably would of had that picture. My final question of the day is... Focus points. Is there a setting or technique to allow the camera to focus more on the central point whilst bluring out the rear/surrounding area, or is that done in photoshop? Yeh, sorry Matt, I was referring to the pic with Amy's car in. Instead of enhancing the colours in the whole photo, try the graduated filter in Lightroom. You can use this to just darken the sky and bring the colours out, and it wont affect any other part of the pic. (Its in the Develop module- there are 6 icons top right under the histogram.....its the 4th one along) Again in the pic where you say the sea had too much white, use the grad filter to darken the sky and water only. I'm glad you are shooting raw....you should see a big difference when using Lightroom. Editing Jpeg files just messes them up.
  16. Nothing wrong with the pics you are taking, but if you are colour blind, then you may be struggling a bit with certain colours, I dont know. The prom pic is a bit heavy on the blue, but I dont know if you can see that or not? I don't bother with white balance settings in camera, I'll adjust in Lightroom if necessary, but only if you are shooting in raw....... In jpeg..forget it! The chinese flash guns are good value and a lot cheaper than Canon. Dont buy the cheapest tripod out there, as it will be useless, and probably break after a couple of uses. Spend a bit more if you can. Tell us what kit you have got, then we can advise on other stuff.
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