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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. Guessing you now think I look like this when I get ready for a drive... I bring it on myself. We know you look exactly like that, as you were spotted driving into Combe the other week
  2. Its not the end of the world! Try living in caravans on a field for 8 years through no fault of your own. "Buyer Beware" as they keep on telling me...always a good idea to read and digest every single word before you sign anything. I have a nice hammer and bolster chisel you can borrow ...... ....
  3. I'm sorry, didn't I tell you........I was running my new front tyres in! It was a job to hold back at times "we suggest tyres should be run in for the first 150 to 200 miles at medium speed on dry roads. All while avoiding sharp cornering and hard braking."
  4. I know, I couldn't believe it! I got so excited looking in the rear view mirror, I nearly smashed into the car in front.
  5. At about 17:15 you were driving behind me near Glangwili Hospital then turned off for Abergwili
  6. Big thanks to you both for your efforts in doing this ......memories of a fantastic weekend not forgotten.
  7. As Ekona says in "Are they worth it" - Brakes thread "Good brakes are the single best mod you can do. Stopping quicker lets you go quicker, will make more of a difference than an extra 20bhp would " Best value for money mod IMO
  8. The castle makes a superb backdrop for the pics. Great jinja zed and engine bay
  9. Tch, tch! you need renaming to Bigballs Microdon while you're still in one piece!
  10. If you are not editing raw files, then you would be better off shooting jpegs, as the camera will automatically add sharpness, colour and contrast etc. to a jpeg. Raw files need to be edited manually as the camera doesnt do anything to them
  11. Enjoyed the chat with your lad about his camera gear.......he seems very enthusiastic
  12. Some more pics of Ioneabee, Zedd and myself on the way up through the Elan valley near Rhayader...... Toilet stop at Bala lake Whose is that Zed in the lake over there!! Bradders and friends Betws y coed lunch stop Chirag and girls Ohhh but Andy.............Listen Lydia, you've got 5 minutes to get those cameras set up on the triangle, so best get a move on gal!! Tim Crawford's Twin turbo missile Is that Nigel or Shezza flying over that crest?
  13. ..........too many ditches and too many plod as well. Last year, seem to remember long sweeping bends and you could see for miles. This time, lots of blind crests and camera gear, phones, wash buckets etc hitting me on the side of the head and getting thrown all over the cabin.
  14. Started in the laundry room 1st floor corner of building
  15. Many thanks to everyone who made this weekend a success, especially Rob for organising and Andy for leading the groups. Great to meet Zedders old and new.......fantastic weekend!
  16. We had the room next door but one, and had to collect our possessions after fire officer gave the ok. Intended to stay Sunday night but we bombed out and came home. Clothes smelt a bit smokey but not too bad. Lots of smoke and water damage.
  17. :lol: I thought it was just me !!! I have ended up following most of them so i stand some chance of keeping up with it all. Where does everyone have a tendancy to meet up at the Hotel ? Or, is it a matter of calling Rob (Mudman) when we arrive ? Is there a preferred or suggested area for us to park at the Hotel? That's all my questions for now.!! You can't miss a group of people looking bewildered and wearing funny t-shirts! OR You can't miss a group of people looking drunk and wearing funny t-shirts!
  18. Spacers are the devils work!
  19. Shame, where are you going in South Korea? Had 5 years there myself, Seoul is interesting as is the food!!! I was offered a job in Seoul. I turned it down though, as I felt it wasn't the right Korea move. I'll fetch my coat Are you on the Dole now!
  20. I thought I was looking at a young Jimmy Somerville for a minute there!!!
  21. Yes I know the feeling well, always seem to be dropping off lately If Lewis's pit crew hadn't ballsed up the first two stops, and there were a couple of extra laps, may have seen some action at the front!
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