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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. Hi Redbussa, welcome along.....put some pics up please!
  2. I've not had any experience myself, but know a few people who use them. I don't think you have anything to be nervous about, as CSC system cameras are a growing trend, particularly amongst DSLR users who are fed up lugging heavy gear around all the time. I've only heard good reports up to now. I know one chap who owns a Canon 5D Mk3 with a good selection of FX lenses and finds himself using the Olympus 90% of the time as the Canon gets left at home more and more frequently. My daughter uses a Sony RX-10 with a smaller 1 inch sensor than micro 4/3 and the pic quality is excellent, so you shouldn't have a problem in that respect. The lenses are fast and very reasonably priced....whats not to like!!
  3. From my youngest daughter a nice new zoom lens ............or so I thought, turns out to be a cup!!
  4. Jeff, you crazy reckless dude!!
  5. I've fast forwarded through........and reached the end........... but where's the good bits!! Ha ha only joking Chirag, nice little vid and great Z soundtrack I've just been out on a 16 mile round trip to fill up and get my daily fix of Ark exhaust!
  6. ...........and an Ark exhaust!
  7. Love a red Zed.....very nice!
  8. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! :scare:
  9. Ahhhhhhhh.....but what of the 10 ton of logs stockpiled!!
  10. You could always move your office into the Tardis
  11. Always found network printers unreliable/sporadic in operation. You cant beat a dedicated hardwired printer/pc combo in my experience. Maybe its just me
  12. Couple of hundred pounds!!! You having a larf Andy hehe! I think you've missed a couple of noughts off somewhere!!! I'm glad its progressing well, and look forward to its resurrection spring 2016
  13. 2 years ago ..... And now........
  14. Adrian, do you have any Nikon gear or Manfrotto 055 tripods by chance. Thanks
  15. To me, they look like anodised aluminium.
  16. Now get out there and wash that zed.......yes I know its dark
  17. Hello and welcome along We dont mind pictures of a wet zed, though you may need these, the amount of rain we're having!
  18. Because its part of our cultural make-up, and for many they become like extended members of the family They reckon the average Brit spends a year of their life watching soaps!!
  19. Its great to get out for a spin in these dark days when its not raining. Keeps the boredom at bay and gives you that Z fix that's much needed!!
  20. 350zedd

    Rims and Stuff

    Lovely rims and top exhaust ......looks like mine from the rear except for the colour, nice job!!
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