Glad you're happy with your new purchase.
Yes, as technology moves on, the trend seems to be moving towards these mirrorless system cameras as they're a lot more compact, lighter and matching the quality of DSLR's.
I've just upgraded my old Nikon D80 to a 7100 body so I wont be changing over anytime soon, not this year anyhow.
However, if I go hill walking or on a long trek, I tend to leave all my Nikon gear at home and take this brick instead
Its a Sigma Merrill DP1 with 19mm f2.8 lens
Official spec for sensor is 46MP but its a 3 layer Foveon APS-C (15MP per layer)
Its a quirky little camera and is crap above 800 ISO, sluggish, poor vid, eats batteries and writes slow
but takes great high resolution pics for blowing up on canvas.
Image below was taken 1/100th @ f9 100 ISO
Put some pics up when you get chance so we can have a look