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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. All thanks to you Mark, without your link I would have still been waiting for Wales w/e to materialise Look forward to seeing you all
  2. 01 MrsNiki + 1 - Hotel booked 3rd/4th June 02 Buster and Mrs Buster - Hotel booked 3rd/4th June 03 Andy and Katrina - Hotel booked 04 ATTAK Z - Sunday drive + lunch (Hope I'll be able to keep up in my non-Zed ) 05 Paul K and Mrs K - Hotel booked 3rd/4th June 06 Davedutch and Mrs - no need for hotel 07 Shezza + 1 - Hotel booked 3rd/4th June 08 Jetset + 1 - Hotel booked 3rd June 09 Spoons + 1 - Hotel to be booked tomorrow. (brand new Z owners, looking forward) 10 Mr & Mrs N13gey - Hotel booked 3rd/4th June 11 Stoker 11 + 1 - Hotel booked 3rd/4th June 12 Brummiestormer No hotel needed 13 Gudzy No hotel required (Not in a zed) 14 Spatt No hotel needed (looking forward to both drives and I'll be around on the Saturday night) 15 350zedd + 1 Hotel booked 3rd/4th June
  3. Welcome along An awesome zed...one of the best in the UK, you lucky, lucky man!!! Got yourself a bargain there as well
  4. To start with you need a basic set of woodworking tools, dont think you'll get far with a hacksaw, jigsaw and chisel. I also wouldnt bother using softwood, it will look crap whatever stain or varnish you put on it. Get yourself some nice hardwood and the end product will look ten times better...... and your other half will love you even more!! Best of luck
  5. Passengered around a forest stage at Phil Price Rally School in a tuned Scooby which I found quite exhilarating, although I had done some stage/ road rallying in the past at club level. However, I would hate to be looking down reading pace notes as I'd end up doing this
  6. Take a look at this. It may not be exactly the same as the zed, but hopefully point you in the right direction http://easyautodiagnostics.com/misc-index/coil-pack-testing-tips-3
  7. Sorry to hear that..your zed was one of my favourites on here! Thank you . Just the time is right for me so someone is going to get one hell of a car ! I believe it's one of the best in the country . It sure is!!! Best of luck with the sale and hope you get a worthy replacement
  8. Sorry to hear that..your zed was one of my favourites on here!
  9. Decided to have a walk up Pen-y-fan in the Brecon Beacons. Hundreds and hundreds of people turned up, couldn't believe it. The A470 was gridlocked and the police were booking peeps for parking on the verges. It was like the annual Hajj to Mecca except on snow!! Got up to the top of Corn Du and visibility was getting worst so we called it a day. Edmund Hillary eat ya heart out!!
  10. Yeah, you need to test the switching signal at the coil pack
  11. You're getting a cranking speed via the code reader. I assume this is mirrored on the tachometer as well. You have 12v at the coil pack...is this voltage being interrupted when you crank, to induce a high voltage spark Not sure if you can see this bounce with a multimeter or not, maybe see a flicker with a test lamp.
  12. Is the block well earthed and all the other earth straps refitted ?
  13. There's nowt as queer as folk
  14. Front OEM spring length = 33cms
  15. I thought the old girl was in hibernation for the winter? Mind you, I've still got the new wheels on, not bothered taking them off yet. Gritters only been around once, then the salt was washed away by a deluge!
  16. That would be a 64Mb raw file then. I understand the Olympus takes a sequence of 8 shots in quick succession and makes a 40Mb composite. Sounds a bit like HDR. When I combine just 3 images for HDR I end up with a 140Mb TIFF file which is madness! As well as a macro lens, maybe another hard drive as well
  17. Liverpool Victoria with mods around 300 quid for me
  18. Bloody sports car drivers!! ........
  19. I doubt there'd be enough light in the winter to charge the batteries up on solar. I'd go for a mains led flood, you know its going to work every time.
  20. Mine is pretty much the same at the moment, although without dehumidifiers. I put it down to high humidity and cold nights. If you've got no leaks and the carpets are dry then it must be condensation. Relative humidity is running at around 90% at the moment with all this wet weather we're having, and as your cabin is not completely airtight, then this moist air will get in and condense on the cold glass. Doesnt have to be that cold either if the RH is 90% . Maybe shut your vents off and set a/c to recirc before you leave the zed. Might help I dont know.......thats my theory anyway.
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