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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. That looks lovely Is that beside a lake or reservoir I recognise that road Yes Nic, its beside the Beacons Reservoir. We all stopped there that time when I met up with you and your mates.
  2. 350zedd

    My poor 350

    Sorry to hear about this Wendy. I'm glad that you came out of it relatively unscathed and hope that you're feeling a lot better tomorrow. Hope your back didn't take too much of a hit.
  3. Just buy this with all that spare cash you have floating about http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hand-built-bespoke-Gypsy-style-caravan-pod-teardrop-VW-festival/131731829822?_trksid=p2047675.c100011.m1850&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140107083358%26meid%3De23eed4e324341e391d076df2d3e3e42%26pid%3D100011%26rk%3D8%26rkt%3D10%26sd%3D260780445708
  4. Welcome to the forum Danny, from an old fart in Wales. 61 at the last count. The birthdays are coming around faster than that Scooby of yours. Nice motor
  5. Patience old bean!! We are still in February!!
  6. 350zedd

    A Nice 350Z!

    Try and be patient, it will be worth it in the end. One will pop up soon enough, you just have to hang in there. I searched for around 4 months before finding the right one. Best of luck
  7. Some powerful poignant shots there, thanks for sharing this.
  8. I spent many an hour hurtling around 3 sisters in my Vauxhall magnum rally car before the race track was developed. It was just a flat area of smooth dirt then, and I used to practise opposite lock amid huge plumes of dust.....happy days!!
  9. [quote name='BobbyZ' timestamp='1455745411' post='1587786'] Stunning pics I keep saying that I'm going to get back out to the Welsh mountains, but haven't in a few years now. Great part of the world [/quote] I'm fortunate enough to live less than an hour from there, so am able to hit the road when the weather looks favourable. [quote name='GeorgeW' timestamp='1455788410' post='1587882'] I hope you took your sledge up there I like to keep my two feet planted firmly on the ground thanks, but there are plenty who do, at the weekend!! [/quote]
  10. [quote name='Mudman' timestamp='1455806440' post='1588017'] I went over the Beacons on the way to the Scotland game last weekend - there was no traffic control but they had taken the top layer off for a few miles and some. Will have another look next Friday Night with the repeat journey ! [/quote] They've started resurfacing now, so should be a fair bit done when you pass through next.
  11. [quote name='Mudman' timestamp='1455804563' post='1588003'] My Back Yard ! Hay-on-Wye boy or boyo! Great Shots - be nice when they sort the road out up to The Story Arms - don't fancy the ramps in the Zed [/quote] Never noticed any ramps on Monday, but then again I wasn't driving, just a ballache waiting at the roadworks to be convoyed to the next section of road. When the first snow came down a few weeks ago on a Saturday, the place was overrun with every man and his sledge. The road was gridlocked with hundreds of cars and police were booking peeps parking on the verges....mayhem! I will never visit on a weekend after that.
  12. Bloody freezin' though on top !!
  13. Couldn't believe the forcast for Wales on Monday, it was sun, sun and more sun!! So decided to forget work and go for a walk instead...... Craig Gwaun Taf or the Grand Canyon of Wales.....well nearly [IMG]http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p643/350zedd/snow/SDIM0342_zpsm2zb0zp4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p643/350zedd/snow/SDIM0339_zpsjmjigo9q.jpg[/IMG] Up to the summit of Corn Du [IMG]http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p643/350zedd/snow/SDIM0361_zpss3boeqtk.jpg[/IMG] Pen y Fan [IMG]http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p643/350zedd/snow/SDIM0349_zps4nxsalgs.jpg[/IMG] Looking down into Llyn Cwm Llwch [IMG]http://i1344.photobucket.com/albums/p643/350zedd/snow/SDIM0346_zpsa5lkfuq8.jpg[/IMG] Next time its a drive out to Three Cocks, then a walk up Lord Herefords Knob, pushing on to Fan y Big
  14. Hello and welcome I see you have good taste choosing the best colour and model ha ha!
  15. .......and less of the heavy breathing!
  16. +1 +2 Its a fact of nature, when moist air cools below dew point, water falls out as condensation.
  17. No no just one of those crazy thoughts. There's quite a few 350s round Aberdeen so started to think but I've now had my realisation of how stupid it seems to get rid of her so I'll be keeping her and continuing to make her more awesome Noticed quite a few peeps on here who spend lots of time and cash getting their zed awesome, then sell it without enjoying what they've just done. Must be a desire to be fettling all the time or something
  18. Yes....we are witness to that on a number of occasions you mad bugger! keep up slow coach.......... oh you can't 'cos its that old outta date 350 No Andy, its not the 350.......its me thats old and outta date
  19. Jeff, have you been drinking or sniffin' something!
  20. Yes....we are witness to that on a number of occasions you mad bugger!
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