We'll never get you off here now, silver surfing to your hearts content!
...........meanwhile back in the wild west, "We're working with goverment and industry to explore ways blah, blah, blah,........ but don't have a plan for your area yet "
Back to the buffering vids for me then
One of our pc's has auto updated to Win 10 causing mayhem.
Print lots of label sheets.........don't anymore!!!
Causing mucho stress!!
Which begs the question, what other info are they sifting off on the quiet?
Time to ditch Microsoft
Over publicised and overrated in my opinion, lots of similar roads to be found elsewhere.
I would avoid it in future for the above reasons.
With all the attention, plod will be keeping a watchful eye no doubt, more so than before
Nah, common as muck frost leather, they're all over the place!!
Ha ha, no not really, I know of a few other lads on here including myself who have frost, but they are a bit of a rarity.
Welcome to the forum, and please post some pics up of your zed.
I was originally on the lookout for black, but ended up with a night blue HR which is pretty close to black anyway.
The condition and price clinched it for me, so I would base my decision on just that......condition and price.
Buy whatever pops up first if you really don't have a preference for one or the other.
My son has an azure but I love my night blue.
Don't stress too much about it, I'm sure you'll be happy whatever you decide!
Whether its related or not I dont know, but last night around midnight I noticed faint flashes in the eastern sky.
Its pretty dark around here at night with little light pollution so it was quite distinct.
At first, I thought someone was having a party with strobe lights or something, but it covered too much of the horizon.
My daughter was watching it as well, and if we stared at it for too long it messed with our heads!! Whoaah!
No explanation for it as yet.