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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. Another fan here of the Ark Grip! Money well spent.
  2. Amen to that . . you know, I have driven for 4 hours here and only seen 4 cars and one truck on the journey Sounds like bliss. Sounds like West Wales!
  3. Great choice of exhaust. Look forward to the vid
  4. If its a Blueprint, then Its probably one of those turbo repopulator belts manufactured from pre-famulated amulite. Expect up to 80 bhp extra no question!
  5. Good choice of exhaust, although sounds a bit quiet. Should get more full-voiced as it beds in
  6. Welcome to the forum The poor girl will wonder what hit her. Bit of a change in climate from Dorset!
  7. Ioneabee's a good guy, he doesn't look down on people!
  8. "West Mercia police announced tonight that they wish to interview a man wearing high heels and frilly knickers, but the Chief Constable said they must wear their normal uniforms." RIP Ronnie
  9. First call when we were looking for a kitchen. There were no proper displays there, just bits of everything. Nobody seemed bothered or interested so we ended up going elsewhere.
  10. Looks like you had a productive weekend at least Yeah not too bad, dodging the horizontal welsh rain most of the time!
  11. Dig out and concrete in new steel gate posts (recycled Armco) Done Build gazebo seat for the mrs Done Concrete in block footings for new workshop (got absolutely drenched through)Done Dig trenches for new polytunnel no time left not done Manure veg raised beds no time left not done Plant onions and garlic no time left not done ​Have you all fallen asleep yet ? ......you did ask!
  12. You're welcome to upload more clips as we Ark guys all appreciate the soundtrack, even though we have them fitted already. Why not try decats next, even louder! Mmmmm sublime!
  13. I take it you're not including Wales in this comment! The guy in the telephone exchange who pedals like mad to keep the internet "up" must have fallen off his bike, as its been off all day and only now coming back up. A regular occurence here!
  14. Congratulations....lovely motor!
  15. 350zedd


    A very rich duffer nonetheless
  16. 350zedd


    I agree with LRF4N here. Its great to have a large family around you for support and help when its needed. When my first child was born I was absolutely euphoric. I can only describe it like an out of body experience. I was physically there but my mind was up on cloud 9. It was short lived though haha, I remember eating meals with a plate balanced on one knee while the other leg frantically rocked the pram wheel back and forwards!! No, its not as bad as it sounds and before you know it..... they're adults. I dont get this selfish thing, selfish to whom? If you want kids have them, if you dont, then dont, who gives a $hit? Its your life, live it as you want, not how others expect you to live it!
  17. 350zedd


    Haha! that made me laugh, I can understand that. Our middle two were fine, the first and last to be born were nightmares, my wife especially, never had a decent nights sleep for the first 3 years!! All good fun! Don't feel pressured to have children if you don't want them. Either way its entirely your choice, nobody else's. I can sympathise with the costs involved these days, what with all the peer pressure they get at school to have the latest sports gear, iphones etc. Wasnt like that for us as we lived in the middle of nowhere, skint, as I only worked a 3 day week by choice, but it was the happiest time of our lives. My eldest daughter now provides me with a job and a nice wage. You reap what you sow. Its your choice, its your life. A job? Sent from my XT1068 using Tapatalk My wife taught her so well that she started her own business at 18 and I now work for her.
  18. 350zedd


    Haha! that made me laugh, I can understand that. Our middle two were fine, the first and last to be born were nightmares, my wife especially, never had a decent nights sleep for the first 3 years!! All good fun! Don't feel pressured to have children if you don't want them. Either way its entirely your choice, nobody else's. I can sympathise with the costs involved these days, what with all the peer pressure they get at school to have the latest sports gear, iphones etc. Wasnt like that for us as we lived in the middle of nowhere, skint, as I only worked a 3 day week by choice, but it was the happiest time of our lives. My eldest daughter now provides me with a job and a nice wage. You reap what you sow. Its your choice, its your life.
  19. At the risk of repeating what others have already said, and with 34 years of marriage under my belt, my advice would be to talk, talk and talk again. Its crucial that you communicate with each other about how each of you are feeling. Don't sulk and put things off, otherwise feelings of resentment will fester increasingly as time goes on. Nip things in the bud. Sit down and speak to each other about your feelings, why you are unhappy, irritated etc, same for her. Its surprising how much better you'll both feel after doing this! (hopefully) Wishing you all the best
  20. Nice selection of photos. The black and white conversions suit the event well.
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