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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. Congratulations! Steady with that right foot
  2. Hello and welcome Good colour choice...I was originally after a black and ended up buying a Night Blue. Love it! Be patient until the right one turns up
  3. Hello and welcome You truly are blessed, if you think the stock exhaust is mind-blowing. Wait 'till you fit an aftermarket one!! first mod by the way!
  4. Never realised Andy had changed his name to Dan!! :lol: You know I could just edit all my posts & your posts so that it's as if I never made that mistake.... Now now Granville, you seem to be a decent sort of chap... don't let the power go to your head!
  5. Never realised Andy had changed his name to Dan!! :lol:
  6. Why not try rallying, beats driving around in circles all day!
  7. The thread title is misleading...I suspect Its a bit more than a hobby though.. ...isn't it
  8. Being the generous sort of chap that you are, I take it you'll distribute the money amongst the members on here, and still have billions left over for yourself. Wouldnt that be a nice gesture. We could all have a GTR each then.
  9. Sorry to hear about your engine. The path of true love never runs smooth!
  10. Pete, I think you need to invest in a pair of chainsaw pants, otherwise your legs will look like a pincushion!
  11. Congratulations and welcome!
  12. Some of this stuff sounds like I could be back in the Victorian Era!
  13. Ken with hat.... falling asleep? Are you sure you're supplying him with enough tea? Adrian....I think you need a bigger petrol tank!!
  14. Considering also that the law allows you to home educate, and therefore can go on holiday whenever you please. The rigidity in the school system seems a bit misplaced.
  15. The law is way too rigid in this respect, and needs to be a lot more flexible in my opinion. Why should you be obliged to take holidays when they tell you to.
  16. First time I've seen Ken without a mug of tea in his hand
  17. Are you getting a decent part-ex deal if you can't sell private?
  18. Best of luck....hopefully you'll see some action. Doesn't help though being out on a limb....a beautiful one at that!
  19. With that kind of budget I'd settle for a DE
  20. We have upvc frames and they are just held by masonary screws going in through the frame and into the blockwork. See if you can see any fixings. They may be covered by capping.
  21. 350zedd

    Yay a puddle!

    Would look better with that old wheel cropped out
  22. We had this thread a few months back http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/106219-best-car-videos/
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