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Everything posted by 350zedd

  1. Now I know why.... the table is in focus, but the valve caps aint!
  2. Very nice mate! That bay is so clean I could eat my muesli off it
  3. Very nice professional job by the looks of things...looks great! "here's the (not so fantastic iPhone) pics." Photos are spot on!......aren't you happy with them?
  4. Ok I'll let you off this time. Enjoy the 10k?
  5. Excuses....excuses!
  6. Any "proper" photos yet?
  7. It is but I think that's the point. Basically to create a contrast between the good looking, well polished car and the dark, dirty back drop. Sorry, but it doesnt work for me.
  8. Maybe you should have kept on driving past....looks a bit of a dump to me.
  9. One of my favourites at the Peaks meet! Great looking motor
  10. Welcome to the forum...you into Nikons or Canon?
  11. ....as long as you're only thinking about one!
  12. The way things are going.... this forum will have to be re-named 350Z/370Z uk EX-owners club Not many of us left
  13. Buy cheap, buy twice as they say, inferior quality balljoint maybe. Anyhow, best of luck...hope you get it sorted soon
  14. If you cant discover the source of the knock, then its more than likely to be the ball joint as Alex said. You wont detect any wear, but as soon as you drive, it will start knocking. Fit a new arm...if it doesnt sort it you could always sell it on here. Brakes working ok now?
  15. Bet you're glad its finally arrived! errrm....It appears to have changed colour from red in the showroom to orange outside. Whats going on with the colour?
  16. Whatever it is, production stopped about 10 years ago. That's how long it feels since you ordered it!!!
  17. Looks great, a nice contrast and balances the car out well
  18. Not much of a dancer eh? Don't worry, by the time you've finished doing the pedal dance, we'll be nominating you for next years "Strictly"
  19. Welcome to the forum Good luck with the search
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