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Everything posted by glrnet

  1. That's disappointing, I told them the same thing months ago, however they refunded my money as soon as I sent them back.
  2. Welcome back mate, I'll give it two days before Steph rumbles you
  3. Has anyone like me, been impressed by the father, Tariq Jahan, of one of the Asian lads who was killed by the car driver in Birmingham? How he has kept his composure and dignity is quite frankly beyond me and I can't imagine for one moment that I could ever be that strong http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bi ... m-14481061
  4. +1 What chance have the kids got when this type of "role model" exists? She HAS to be sacked
  5. I meant the 70's I do........epilepsy went out of fashion with chords and space hoppers.....the cool kids all have ADHD instead.
  6. Ricey has no idea to what you're referring to!! Is she good looking? A bit presumptuous me thinks, iv'e seen neil dance Dance? I thought he was having some sort of epileptic seizure? I'll have you know that was all the rage in the early 70s
  7. glrnet


    Look out balla, I think Robbo101 is thinking about pinching your Zed, or at least some of your footwear
  8. Mate, got room in your suitcase for two more next year?
  9. Had to smile, it never takes long does it? Just got this in a text Irag, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan have agreed to send troops to the UK to help bring peace and stability to the country........................ On another note 6000 Police Officers on duty in London last night, tonight 16000
  10. Check these low life cowards out, I hope their parents are extremely proud of them all http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14456065 Is this what British Forces gave their lives for in both wars? It makes you wonder WTF is this country coming to. And if I hear another bleeding heart liberal going on about human rights I swear I'll scream, can they not see that without respect and discipline we can't have a decent society? It seems to me we give the benefit of the doubt to to those who we think need it but in reality they are so stupid and disrespectful that they see it as licence to take the proverbial You then have to question who is the more stupid, surely it's time now to wake up and take a way the "niceness" from these morons that seems to have percolated through our society for too long? Takers get the honey, givers sing the blues. Rant over but still very very ashamed of what we have let ourselves become as a nation.
  11. Might be a good time to throw a sicky Jim
  12. If I disagree will I run the risk of getting shot?
  13. The green one is brilliant, and you are delightfully bonkers
  14. Nice one Jim, be interested to hear what you think
  15. I'm just down the road from Ascot if you fancy a wee dram
  16. Sounds like a classic case of Zeditis to me I've been seduced by some shiny bits and fine myself wanting a polished pipe, read into that what you may
  17. glrnet


    Does this mean the boy can multi task or he didn't know what he was doing? while on the phone to me
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