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Everything posted by glrnet

  1. Got fed up with mine and bought a Scanguage II and it's bang on for accuracy as long as you enter the correct amount every time you fill up, a few seconds well spent IMHO. Cant say ive heard of the scanguage, any good? http://www.scangauge.com/products/scangaugeii/Here you go, have to say I've been very impressed by it, I bought mine after Lincolnbaggie recommended it, I think one or two others have had them too
  2. Pervs have their place. Theyre not terribly exciting and dont sound that good but generally they're easier to plod around in and go when you need some thrash. Fixed that for you
  3. Not going to do that mate as it isn't fair on others, if you've booked, you've booked, if you might be booking you haven't booked
  4. That's where you went wrong, drove too fast :wink:
  5. only did that once but miraculously got away with it
  6. Rugby club tour stupidity could not resist!!! I'll check with the Moreton nearer the time ref provision of hoses etc.
  7. Agreed but the Health & Safety Police would have a field day with this as it promotes fun!!
  8. Details regarding relieving you of your well earned food tokens will be announced in the New Year. :smile:
  9. Our city link guy is brilliant!! Just the luck of the draw I guess. Herpes are self employed and my guess is they all are on "completion" targets at almost any cost :smile:
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