I would just like to say a very humungous thank you to the following people without whom the Wales meet this year would not have happened:-
Colin, Will, Darren, :#1:Chesterfield, M13KY and a very special mention to Chris S, his lovely wife Steph and Liam.
It's fair to point out that a lot of stuff goes on behind the scenes that probably goes unnoticed by you guys but you should know that for the last 2 years at least Chris S and his family have put 3 to 4 of us up for two nights, fed and watered us and given us their local road knowledge too while we have carried out roads and route checks. Chris S also charges around taking photos en route and provides hoses and fittings for the Moreton car park wash areas.
And a big thank you to Colin and Beavis for all their previous hard work in the previous years, believe me, they laid the foundations and created the template for this to be a success and Colin was always around in the background to throw questions at, thanks mate.
Thanks for all your help guys, it was hugely appreciated, you are all amazeballs. As is this place