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Everything posted by glrnet

  1. never got any tracking details, i have an inkling what happened, i saved a set of tyres in my shopping cart, but didn't purchase them, went to do it 4 days later and the price had gone up on the tyres, but the ones i had in my cart were on the old price. they didn't want to still give me the saving and fed me a bull story about funny courier issues. That sounds highly likely, poor show.
  2. You can do mine soon if you like Jim He has got a Jag & an MX-5 to do first to pay for taxi fare & bed & breakfast Sent from the golf club... Does that mean you'll be cleaning my van then?
  3. At the end of the day it's all down to personal preference.
  4. Did you ever get a tracking number? If not my guess, for whatever reason, is they didn't get sent.
  5. The race didn't look any different to any other single seater race series, I have always looked at F1 as superior cars/package but not anymore. Have to agree, was hoping this would rekindle my interest in F1, bit of an anti climax really, even the commentary didn't get excited, oh, other than to comment on "good camera angles"
  6. He did indeed bring the car home but if he brought it home with an illegal fuel flow rate then he has to go, the question surely should be, how would he have performed if the fuel flow rate was legal? We won't know until the next GP I suspect.
  7. Just priced up 2 x Vredestein Ultrac Sessanta with tyreleader, and a good saving over others, will be ordering tomorrow morning.
  8. A hundred and how bloody much for a scissor jack!!! Get the Draper and be done.
  9. I can feel Dan smiling now!!
  10. I've got some spares and that big red cover on one of those terminals is a bit of a clue.
  11. Thanks bud, bit of pain filling the original wording and getting a nice flat surface but worth the effort in the end I think
  12. Engine bay refurb is coming along nicely now, finished these this week:-
  13. If your tyre guy is a dealer for these tyres he's bound to say loads of people are buying them, reviews of them seem mixed and not good in the wet. Let's face it you aren't Mondeo Man and they maybe perfectly fine on a standard saloon, personally I wouldn't be trying a relatively unknown new brand on my Zed. You pays your money and you takes your chance, chances aren't a good thing in a real wheel drive V6 imho.
  14. Let me know when you have booked and where (PM me) and I will sort the list out. Will you be on your own or with a "+1"?
  15. We have space for 1 car on the drives for Saturday and Sunday but as the thread title says the hotel is fully booked with 2 people already on the reserve list. There is a Premier Inn about 5/10 minutes down the road.
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