The Team have been discussing the meet schedule for next year and beyond and we would like your input please. We are mindful that the Forum arranged meets should be geared for the majority of the membership and not what we as a team think you might want. Wales has been a stonking success since it's inception but there is a feeling that it has become a bit "samey" and "tired". Essentially it is a social weekend with 3 drive outs and because of where it's located it is limited to the number of different drive outs we can organise, there are only a certain number of roads we can drive before we've done them all.
With this in mind we are considering giving Wales a rest next year and then possibly making it every 2 years after that. This will enable us to concentrate more on major shows and other events such as a Scottish Hoon or Le Mans for example.
This is purely a "feeler" thread at this stage and nothing has been decided because we want to know what you guys want.