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  1. Hi Adrian. Yes, great catching up with you. Hope you enjoyed japfest. Having to stick to 23-25k I'm afraid. Mikes car was always going to be out of budget being a 17 plate but it was worth exploring. Good luck with your potential buyer when he comes back from his holiday.
  2. Rory14

    370Z Nismo

    Hi Mike, Your reply is very much appreciated. Nice choice with exige 350. Amazing cars and most likely will be the car I go to next after the nismo. I've just seen your pm and will respond asap. Cheers.
  3. Rory14

    370Z Nismo

    Hi everyone. I had left a message on this part of the forum last year regarding me looking to buy a Mk2 nismo. I ended up getting a S2 Exige S but now find myself again looking to scratch that zed itch. I am in the market for a 370 Mk2 nismo in pearl white and just wondered if any of you or indeed anyone you know are looking to sell now or in the near future. Thanks.
  4. Thanks nissanman. I have indeed spoken to Adrian before. A while back now right enough. Think I was a little unsure about buying a cat d and I think we were a fair bit off in terms of a valuation. Beautiful car though. Happy to speak again Adrian. I'll message you later on.
  5. Hi everyone. I have had 4 350s in the past and now looking to get my 5th Zed. I am in the market for a 370 Mk2 nismo in pearl white and just wondered if any of you or indeed anyone you know are looking to sell now or in the near future. Thanks.
  6. Yes, poor genuine 19" LMGT4's... It looks like it definitely was a right off. However I remember him saying his brother has a body shop. Fixed on the cheap perhaps. I have a feeling he did not go through insurance as he had not declared all of the modifications. Yeh, cheers Kieran. Definitely the right thing to do.
  7. Sketch I would appreciate it if I could stay as anonymous as possible. Chances are he will probably know it was me but nonetheless.
  8. Again it's not my style and I feel a bit uncomfortable doing it but i am a strong believer in karma...
  9. Guys this is my old car and I sold it to its current owner. Just thought i would give you all a heads up and a word of warning. Having had 4 zeds in total I kept it in immaculate condition and really looked after it. However like some of you have guessed the car was involved in a smash with its current owner. I know this as he had added me on Facebook. I'm hoping not to come across as a character who is sticking people in but after he had bought the car I had seen people commenting on his Facebook saying how quickly they had seen him driving around and apparently doing donuts in Tescos carpark. Shortly after this he had messaged me complaining saying that the supercharger belt had stripped it's teeth and he wasn't happy with me... Anyway I think from memory it will now have 10 plus owners and next to no service history. Again I feel a bit bad sticking him in but I would hate for someone to be fooled into buying it. Also don't like the dishonesty in his message above about why he changed the nismo v2 bumper. Attached is the photo he uploaded to facebook. A little more than a front end smash I think.
  10. Hi everyone. Apologies if this is not the most appropriate place for this post but given its about the car i am looking to buy I thought it would be a good place to start. I have had 4 350s in the past and after saving hard for a long of time I am finally in a position to buy my dream car. I am in the market for a 370 Mk2 nismo and just wondered if any of you or indeed anyone you know are looking to sell from now up to Christmas time? Budget wise i am probably looking at a 2014 or 2015 car. Thanks.
  11. Stunning car. I am sure i have seen this car at the Scottish car show at the club turismo stand? I could be wrong.
  12. Nice looking cars, looking forward to seeing what you do with the 370. I am also returning for a 370 nismo.
  13. Rory14

    370Z Nismo

    Thank for that Mikevv. As much as I would love to have my very own nismo made to order I have a strict budget which is a little less than that. I am probably looking at an early Mk2. Not many on the market so I will just keep my eyes peeled and see if anything comes up within budget.
  14. Rory14

    370Z Nismo

    Hi George, Thanks for replying! Sounds like the car is just what i am looking for. I will send you a pm if that is possible... hold on Rory.
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