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Everything posted by HAMLNJ

  1. I have decats but they will need a small amount of welding.
  2. <div style="width:480px;text-align:right;"><embed width="480" height="360" src="http://pic2.pbsrc.com/flash/rss_slideshow.swf" flashvars="rssFeed=http%3A%2F%2Ffeed1374.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fag419%2FIanham9876%2FMobile%2520Uploads%2Ffeed.rss" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" /><a href="javascript:void(0);" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_geturs.gif" style="border:none;" /></a><a href="http://s1374.photobucket.com/user/Ianham9876/library/Mobile%20Uploads" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.photobucket.com/share/icons/embed/btn_viewall.gif" style="border:none;" alt="Ianham9876's Mobile Uploads album on Photobucket" /></a></div>
  3. Why can I never get photo bucket to work!!!!
  4. Hi guys, Me, pimm junior, Greg and I met up for a mini meet to enjoy the novelty of owning the same colour car and for a little drive. We all live locally and have been helping each other out with odd problematic issues or advice. Few photos... <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://s1374.photobucket.com/user/Ianham9876/embed/Mobile%20Uploads/story"></iframe>
  5. OMG! I really wish I had this amount of time on my hands. I don't like to be negative on here but I only jumped on this thread to see the state of the conversation. If I had the time to write huge amounts of text about what seems an absolute silly argument over early tech and long established tech I would be building my own bloody car, that has 3 turbos and runs on flowers! Jesus. Bad as my mrs
  6. Well Addtion to the good advice it hasn't work unfortunately. I'm going down the route of having the valves realigned. If anyone has had this done before. Costs and process would be handy.
  7. Good advice! Not done one in a while, my mechanic isn't a fan of them. Sludge might be the issue then. Using Mobil oil so all good there, oil change and a flush might be a good start.
  8. Used about 3pm, started up At six. So not that cold. If you listen carefully you can hear the knocking
  9. I have ignored it for a while now. But getting worried.
  10. Hi, since I have had my zed, intermittently the engine would knock slightly for a second or two on start up. I have discussed before and the verdict was my valves are probably slightly out of align and not worth worrying about for the age and mileage (114k, serviced 2k ago) Now it's Every time I start the car and getting me worried. Only a couple of secs and doesn't tick or knock while driving. (Slowly or harsh.) The engine is strong and pulls well. When starting the car I am keeping an eye on the oil pressure. When starting it up it seems the oil pressure takes a moment to fire into action. Taking a look at a friends zed (pimm junior) it fires up smooth and quickly . Mines not... Here's a vid I took. Sorry for the non start at first. Just me not holding the ignition for long enough. It's there an oil pump issue? The pressure is fine while diving. Connection issue? Oil too thick? I use 5/30 fully sync. You can hear the knock if you wear headphones. Thanks for reading. Any help would be great! Cheers Ian
  11. Without a remap I found decats helped with throttle response. Now I have the cats back on I feel a loss in grunt!
  12. there vids on this. apprently a little bit of drone but otherwise brings the 3.7 out for the world to hear!
  13. HAMLNJ


    Cheers mate, I did suggest to my macanic that the rocker cover could do with re sealing. But he didn't think that would do anything. I'll have the spark plugs checked and see what's happening.
  14. HAMLNJ


    Cabin fills with a sweet burning sort of smell when I accelerate hard. I'll check the levels and oil tomorrow. Worrying though.
  15. HAMLNJ


    Hi guys, getting a sweet smell after hard acceleration. Cars done 115k, serviced about 1.2k ago. It has done it before a long time ago but disappeared. Now it's back and not going away. It does use oil like most people but I am worried its getting worse. Oil seals? People do tell me that they can smell burnt oil when I'm pushing hard. While they are driving behind.
  16. never seen that type of rust. quickly looked at mine and it looks to be coolent.
  17. if i saw another zed on the road with neons i would sell mine stright away lol
  18. No!, ...keep that to yourself. You watch some f**ked up @*!# Gareth !! Lol
  19. My wife knows just how sad I am about my tools and made a special cover for me. Bless her. What a keeper!
  20. See you Sunday ! I'll be there for about 1, what you driving?
  21. HI guys, looking at drving up with 2 other black zeds. anyone eles going? 12pm leave from cheddar gorge.
  22. Hi mate, I certainly did. Revs easier...the throttle response was so much better and really made the v6 make a v6 noise as it should do! Not with my cats back on its less free and very quiet. :-(
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