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Everything posted by HAMLNJ

  1. I'm havving the same problem. Bit embarrassing lol
  2. I'd be interested to know if anyone has had their tappet adjusted. It annoys me when mine does it. If it's the thing chain can this be corrected eaiselly ?
  3. Mine does it, just cams slightly out of line. Nothing to much to worry about.
  4. I'd have the tube off you but I expect that's not ideal Adam.
  5. Good luck Adam. Lovely car In the flesh and the exhaust system sounds awesome. What head unit do you have in it?
  6. It's terrible but text book black and white if you fail to stop it's your fault. Clearly it's not your fault but the insurers won't go by that.
  7. Hahah! She even spotted a silver one in Bristol with a bulge bonnet and question why mine didn't. ... I said I didn't get enough gcse's! .
  8. Want want want want...soooo bad. Even my mrs likes a bigger bulge
  9. Jokes...as I don't really have a good answer for you . Sorry
  10. Basically...you have to many nice cars! Jokes!
  11. The bmw is M351i ...amazing car. The 8 speed gear box is amazing.
  12. Completely stock, with silenced decats. I wasn't either but now they are coked up it's not the raspy nova I thought it would be
  13. Woweeee! Horsham like you at the moment then.
  14. It's only £22 for both delivered from plates 4 u.
  15. I'm in fits of laughter!!!!!! Thank you.... Just thank you Russ
  16. I'm not a rear spoiler person but I rather like yours. Looks like its from a Audi a7
  17. Sorry for hi jacking but is there anyone putting their username on their car for japfest. For newbies like me? A4 print on the dash etc..? I'm tempted to so people know who I am from all the other black standard 350z.? Lol
  18. Okay I need to stop slutting around with all these Likes. The thought was there Haha what do you mean? Went to like your post but ran out Gave him a "like" for you. Cheers gazzer!!!
  19. Oh I see! Thanks for the invisible like!! I picked my car up from my garage the day. Knowing it's completely up together makes it psychologically feel like it's driving better. Changed the brake fluid, clutch fluid, oils and filters. Doesn't feel any different ..but you just know !
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