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Posts posted by HAMLNJ

  1. Go outside the insurance, see his dad and check out this other work. Ask how he will repair it and look for tell tell signs of doing it on the cheap. If he sounds like he will do a good job book it in! I have just gone through the same thing but less damage. I found even though a claim applied on the insurance that wasn't your fault still raises it the following year on your own policy. Just adds another statistic.


    Only risk is if you late decide to go through the insurance and that car is repaired but a lower standard you won't be able to do much.

  2. I'd presume he's a decent sprayer, hence why you're using him, so don't worry. The Z's are like lego, they tear down and build up really easily. Have no fear, there are cars out there which are utter pigs to pull apart, the Z is very simple :)


    Which your drifting I'm sure you have had your fair share of bumper removals!


    Thanks for the confidence. He is a good sprayer, just care for my car like my own bloody child!! Lol

  3. rear bumper has two plastic tabs right inside by rear lights that have to be turned 45 degrees to release rear bumper (i think its the last bits you need to remove) they are a pain to get to if you have big hands so long needle nose pliers of some sort to get them, undertray bolts may snap, shouldnt have a problem fitting back on if they were on ok in the first place,

    check out the guides section there is removal and fitting posts for each bumper :thumbs:


    Cheers buddy, I'll print all of this off along with the guides.

  4. Hi Guys,


    I am having my front and rear bumper re-sprayed plus a small dent removed on the front wing and re-sprayed. Finished off by being mopped all over to blend it in.

    My concerns are my sprayer said he will need to remove the bumpers. Will I marry up once he is finished?

    Are there any pointers or hints I can give him to make it a smoother job? Will he need more clips? Anything to watch out? Is there anything prone to fling or snap off?

    He has not worked on my car before so a little worried.


    His work is good but he’s normally working on the run of the mill cars.




  5. I need to put a video but silenced decats, warmed up, pop charger and coked up is very nice. Just took a while to sort the heat shreild as they rattled.

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