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Everything posted by HAMLNJ

  1. 109k still on the same clutch, I'm worried now
  2. The mechanics look more worried about the car than the driver.
  3. Go outside the insurance, see his dad and check out this other work. Ask how he will repair it and look for tell tell signs of doing it on the cheap. If he sounds like he will do a good job book it in! I have just gone through the same thing but less damage. I found even though a claim applied on the insurance that wasn't your fault still raises it the following year on your own policy. Just adds another statistic. Only risk is if you late decide to go through the insurance and that car is repaired but a lower standard you won't be able to do much.
  4. Found guides on the front but can't find anything on the rear?
  5. Which your drifting I'm sure you have had your fair share of bumper removals! Thanks for the confidence. He is a good sprayer, just care for my car like my own bloody child!! Lol
  6. Cheers buddy, I'll print all of this off along with the guides.
  7. Hi Guys, I am having my front and rear bumper re-sprayed plus a small dent removed on the front wing and re-sprayed. Finished off by being mopped all over to blend it in. My concerns are my sprayer said he will need to remove the bumpers. Will I marry up once he is finished? Are there any pointers or hints I can give him to make it a smoother job? Will he need more clips? Anything to watch out? Is there anything prone to fling or snap off? He has not worked on my car before so a little worried. His work is good but he’s normally working on the run of the mill cars. Thanks Ian
  8. I spend some time sanding mine, I'd start again and go through all the grades
  9. Not seen that one!! Crazy lady dog!!!
  10. Watching this a few times. This guy is. Nutter.
  11. HAMLNJ

    EBay coilovers

    I love it says lefty loosy, righty tighty!!!! Clearly chinglish!
  12. What have you been quoted so far ? I'm having my rear and front bumper done and the whole thing mopped to blend it in.
  13. HAMLNJ

    worth a watch...

    So much effort. That must of taken ages!
  14. There's loads of people looking for these, won't be long
  15. HAMLNJ

    Has Anyone?

    I need to put a video but silenced decats, warmed up, pop charger and coked up is very nice. Just took a while to sort the heat shreild as they rattled.
  16. Come on mate, we've finished with the sensible stuff now I was lazy and skipped and page but regretted it now becausethe portals idea is amazing!
  17. Got the same mods as you but just think I'm using more because I'm constantly wanting the noise. Did you secure your filter in the end?
  18. I'm thinking a weather proofed slab of wood bolted down. Angled train sleeper if you get me?
  19. I dropped mine and put pretend spacers on it. Looks good. I'll post from my PC when I can
  20. Hi mate, yeah certainly. One thought it sounded like a lemans car starting up. Lol
  21. Put the video on my at work. Got a little sub under my desk. So it started it up it pricked all the ears of the blokes in the office.
  22. HAMLNJ

    Seat rails.

    That might be the only option. Not sure really though if it's even possible. Looking at the diagram below the seat rails appear to be lower on one side than the other meaning that although you may be able to modify one side to make it lower it looks as if the other side is as low as it's possible to make it. Probably due to the way the prop shaft runs down the centre of the car underneath or something. I wouldn't want to change my standard seats but if the height issue is really a problem then your only viable option may be new seats with lower seat rails. I'm sure though if you can solve this there will be a lot of interested 6ft+ 350Z owners as I found a lot of threads about this subject. Think your right on this on. I think it's because of the gear box. It is as low as it can go. Shame
  23. Haha ye that would be me, we're she live ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk With me! So down boy!! ...lol we live in draycott but she works in Bristol and constantly driving around it. So she's always telling me when she spots another zed. She drives a white 13 plate seat Ibiza. Normally driving around around with a power women face on! Lol
  24. Zhorno, my mrs keeps seeing you in Bristol by the way. Apparently you have put some extra plastic on your car?? I'm guessing she means the nismo kit lol
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