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  1. Hi everyone. Hate to flog a dead horse so to speak with this topic but has anyone swopped out the Japanese DVD unit behind the driver’s seat for a second hand or new UK or USA unit? So that at least the on screen settings etc are in English. I am assuming that this information comes from the DVD unit rather than the unit behind the screen.
  2. Hi, try zLEDs in the US he has clear front side reflectors for around $58 US. He also does international shipping. I am looking at replacing the amber reflectors on my 2008 z for LEDs as daytime running lights. But they are expensive the ones I am thinking about are $186 plus about $60 shipping. Cheers
  3. Well done marzman that is exactly what I have minus the ETC device. Mystery solved. Now all I need is either a second hand under dash panel or something that fits in the hole. Thanks
  4. Thanks everyone. I tend to agree with marzman. I will probably have to find something to fit in the hole, maybe another power outlet would be useful. Cheers
  5. Hi, Does anyone know what should go in the hole shown the the attached photo? Should there be a coin tray in there? My car is a 2008 Fairlady 350Z right hand drive
  6. mal.d

    My NZ 350Z

    A couple of photos of my new 350z.
  7. Hi Everyone, Thanks for the warm welcome. Here is a of photo for the Z and one of the Alfa that NeilMH wanted. Not sure how they will turn out because of the size restriction. Cheers
  8. Hi DoogyRev, I have seen the name Bronzee in the posts but I have not been to any club meetings etc since I have only just joined the club.
  9. Hi everyone, I have owned my 350z for 2 weeks now and love it. I live in Gisborne on the East coast of New Zealand where I am a Computer Teacher and IT Manager. I also belong to the New Zealand Z Club. I am a little car mad and own (along with my wife of course), a 2004 Subaru Legacy GT wagon, 2 1994 850T Volvos (one for parts), 2 Mazda station wagons, 1 Hyundai hatchback (kids run around) and a 1971 Alfa Romeo GT Junior (since 1978). My Fairlady 350z is a 2008 Dark Grey Japanese import (Auto) which has done 118,000 km. I looked at importing a 350z from the UK as the GT Touring models there have almost every available option. However unless the car qualifies for a VAT refund it is not worth the effort. The z managed to develop the usual rattles on the 500 km journey from the car dealer to the my home town of Gisborne and is missing a cover from the right hand side of the steering column. These two issues will no doubt be topics for me to pursue in some future forums. Nice to be on board so to speak.
  10. mal.d

    My NZ 350Z

    A couple of photos of my new Fairlady 350z.
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