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Everything posted by Randy_Baton

  1. How easy are they to install. Would I need to remove the front bumper or go in through the wheel well?
  2. When you buy a CD you don't get the MP3 you get access to a digital version of it on Amazons cloud drive. This means the track can only be accessed whilst you have a connection (possibility only through an android device), its only available at 256 kbps or under bit rate which is the minimum you'd expect and has DRM that limits it so its only available on 10 devices. If you buy the MP3 you get the actual file DRM free, you can play it on any device offline, the bit rate is what ever amazon sell it as, but they are pretty bad and not telling you before you buy it and its never above 320 (so probably not much of a win there). You'll also probably get better artwork and maybe a video or something else like that. Buying the CD and ripping your own losses version is always going to be better
  3. Good point about the plastic paint, wouldn't the wing mirror covers be plastic to?
  4. the DRIVE youtube channel is pretty good.
  5. The Bridge episode was actually the Christmas special
  6. I've got a gun metal and I'm going for the black mirrors/door handles look (unique, I know). I was going to use http://www.paints4u.com as they seem to be highly recommended, but not sure what I should go for. Presume this is the top coat: http://www.paints4u.com/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=3258 Power Can Satin Black Upol 500ml A/sol And something like this for the base coat: http://www.paints4u.com/ProductDetails.aspx?productID=3439 High #5 Grey Primer 450ml A/sol Is that right?
  7. I have an OEM spoiler uprated struts and uprated poppers and my boot pops past the catch but i still need to give a little tickle to get it to open the rest of the way. I have to push it maybe 10-20 cm but then it lifts the rest of the way on its own. Actually I have been parked on a slope since I installed so maybe its that! In answer to the guy who asked how hard it is to get the old struts off the top spherical. I just wiggled mine until the ball broke off. I was holding up the boot with my head so didn't have the best leverage!
  8. I basically held it open with my head. Probably a few inches shorter now.
  9. That was the issue.So like thisnot like thisThis was mid fix, I had them both wrong. Cheers
  10. I had just changed the boot struts to (SGS uprated), but I've tried both ways. Rod at the bottom cylinder at the top and vice versa. I did install them the wrong way round first time (rod connected to car, cylinder to boot) as it was easier to get them on, noticed the gap and then tried them the other way round this morning.
  11. My boot shouldn't fit like this should it? are there any bolts I can loosen/tighten to create less of a gap? If I look down past my rear quarter window I can see into the area where the boot poppers are but the interior still looks like its sealed.
  12. Hmmm, just been to look at my car and the boots not closing flush, its raised up a couple of cm. I can just about see into the boot is I look along the rear quarter window. Its the hinge end that is not flush the catch end is find. Which way round have people installed their rods? I've got the thinner end attached to the car and the wider end attached to the boot, its the opposite way round to the way my OEMs were attached. I couldn't get the thinner end onto the ball attachment on the boot panel. I'm using the ball attachment that came with the new struts as I snapped the OEM one off when I took the old struts off **** Okay, had my brackets on the wrong way round - all fixed now.
  13. Ii just bent my old ones till the ball in the socket broke. It was getting tiring holding that boot up! I had to install mine the other way round from the OEM with rod attaching to the car and the wider bit attaching to the boot. Still works fine though.
  14. Cycling and rock climbing sorted me out, about as low impact as you can get.
  15. sound like you could have a bidding war! Twelfty pounds
  16. Mine just arrived they came via UK mail.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=HGdmoEWabg4 BBBBBRRRRRRRRRR May be they should add these to the F1 cars
  18. Very tempted to use a 'shall I google that link' but... It could be as simple as right clicking a blank area of the screen (touch and hold should simulate a right click) and the select change desktop background. Basically the same way as you would on a desktop. The other way sounds like a pain in the but http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa452934.aspx
  19. If I'm not in ask him to fit them to my car, 5 min job and the car is just round the corner from my house. I'll leave the bonnet popped.
  20. did you upgrade the hose on the slave? Is there a pool of oil under your car?
  21. Do you have the front cubby cover (where the sat Nav would be) and does the driver side arrest have any dings/scratches? mine are okayish but want ones in better condition. Live in Brighton so could collect, but the a23 40 mph zone grates!!!
  22. It might help the photoshop gurus if you took the main picture without any colour filters on it then it would be easier to match the pallet. The car and wheel photos are also taken from different angles so it would be a bit messy to do, so if you angled the car away then it would be a bit easier. Have you tried goggling the make/model of wheel and fiat punto and then going to the image search?
  23. Don't worry about it, it helps with the balance of your car http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Power_Balance
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