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Everything posted by Randy_Baton

  1. Doesn't the service manual tell you when to change the spark plugs rather than the make? Or do you guys just ignore the P1-P3 guide?
  2. If you are likely to resell it the original box may add 5-10% to the resale price. So it depends on whether that 5-10% is worth the hassle of keeping the box. For instance I don't bother with store cards as that one free sandwich I'd get a year isn't enough to carry around a massive wallet of cards in my pocket. Unless anyone decides to make banana shaped store cards I'm out. (That was my 350th post, I can now claim a free sticker... and I made a dick joke)
  3. Its a US survey, 350Z drivers in the US have a really bad rep. The Us reports show the 350z has an especially high instance of single vehicle crashes (normally the result of reckless driving) I reckon the UK won't be far behind. Just look at a the age of most of the new members on here. Its what comes whan a performance car drops in price and the car has an easy access modding scene. I could be an idiot (at times) when I was young but I was behind the wheel of mini metro or a citron AX! Not saying all our youngsters are irresponsible, but maturity does come with age.
  4. 1.Randy Baton 2.Abbey M/S *??? 3.GARGOYLE??? 4.Hooch 5. SkylineV35 6. addisj 7. Shiner 8. Anth 9. PageyUK 10. Pinoy-4 11. Nissan Nutter 12. Gary21 13. roscopervis 14. jonw246 15. Adrian_CNC
  5. A few of us have used a guy in Dudley for wrapping and he has branched out into LED conversion. Decent guy and cheap as chips, can't fault his wrapping skills or after service. Give him a tinkle and see what he has to say. https://www.facebook...Ultimatewrapsuk
  6. ask CS2000, he is the man for this! I think there is an issue with the main indicators as the LEDS flash to quickly. Just checked his first post in the below forum, there is one line about indicators needing resistors. http://www.350z-uk.c...-led-bulb-kits/
  7. If its the same price as buying it from Clarks, why wouldn't I buy it from them direct? Clarks sometimes throw in free Harbio as well.
  8. The reviews are pretty good, its looks simple to use, but people complain it seems to paint the chip rather than fill it. It seems to be 7/8 out of 10 You probably want this link though http://www.drcolourchip.co.uk/
  9. I passed my test when I was 17 drove for about 6 months then didn't drive even once for 14 years. I'm allowed to forget. I did do a 2 hour refresher lesson before driving again though.
  10. Maybe try posting a pic with it on the car, its hard to judge size etc. from that single pic. GLWTS
  11. Is this a 350z/sportz car thing? Just had a pop quiz around work and everyone was like what??? Nobody checks their tyres more than once a year.
  12. Probably need to post a picture of the scrape as well
  13. Do I have to do everything round here... 1.Randy Baton 2.Abbey M/S *??? 3.GARGOYLE??? 4.Hooch 5. SkylineV35 6. addisj 7. Shiner 8. Anth 9. PageyUK 10. Pinoy-4 11. Nissan Nutter
  14. It was hot work pumping those back up with my bike pump.
  15. I pumped mine up to 35 PSI probably around start of November, I just check the pressure today and: Front Left: 32 Rear Left: 12 Rear Right: 18 Front Right: 25 Quite a mixture, I should obviously be checking more often. Does the uneven loss suggest anything bad? Its not a daily drive i probably do 2-3k a year. How often do you guys check?
  16. So your in a driver-less car on a bridge and someone steps out in front of you does your car: A) swerve left off the bridge killing you b)swerve right and hope the oncoming traffic misses you but potentially killing numerous people. C) plough on ahead killing the pedestrian D) activate the nitro jump
  17. The Zeds door windows are pretty much there already with the OEM tint. There's a thread about it a few posts below yours. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/87979-tinted-window-pic-request/
  18. If you want to use ios just get an Ipad mini and mount it, if you want something cheaper go with a NEXUS7 and stick either of them in the cubby hole.There are a few different people on here doing different things with tablets. Think one of the member traders is selling an IPAD mount. Can't think of a reason to have a dedicated in car PC these days, just get a tablet. I went for a more tablet 'ghetto' mount, you can see it in my build thread, link in my profile.
  19. I've no idea about the blackfire stuff but general rule of thumb is polish , then glaze, then sealant, then wax. I don't think there is much of an argument over the first 2 steps, but some people like to put sealant over wax. I find it lasts longer the other way round.
  20. Not a lot of speed bumps in America.
  21. If you need to ask the question you've got the wrong car. 20mpg in town 30mpg on the motorway.
  22. Lack of orange in that last pic.
  23. It looked like it had a slightly golden tinge to it, but it doesn't show in the photo. Was it straight carbon dip on black? Looking to get other things dipped soon so trying to understand the in's and out's of it.
  24. I like mine ghetto..
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