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Everything posted by Randy_Baton

  1. Ha I was just thinking that, the bin even gives away the number
  2. If you include compounds and pads it can get on towards for £200.
  3. Are you logging into the forum direct or through one of those apps it keeps telling me to use? (taptalk?)
  4. There have been load of threads about fan issues recently. maybe its a 10 year itch! I'm getting mine replaced soon, just short of 70k.
  5. Just spoke to my neighbor and he said there where 4 or 5 cars done the same night including his. At least I know it wasn't personal! It happened when my car was parked on another road, I just didn't notice it when I moved it. If mine ends up looking okay I might set up a shop. I've got a question about the clear coat layer, I'm building up the paint so it fills in the scratch, then I'm going to polish it flat, so don't know how to fit the clear coat layer on. Do I add it after polishing then polish again or just leave it off?
  6. Can i use this as my new profile pic? It'd be worth a warning point.
  7. I've got the official Nissan touch up sticks. The ammo videos talk about 2k to 3k grit was not going anywhere near the lower end. I've read elsewhere about mixing the clear coat and paint and applying it as one. Think I'm still going to do it as two coats though.
  8. I'm going to have a go at polishing it out and using a touch up stick tomorrow. Most of it doesn't look to deep and it feels clean. The edges of the C and the whole of the T are the worst the U & N look to be mostly clear coat. Only problem is I don't have a polisher yet, I'll order one tomorrow. Should be able to wet sand the scratches and put down the touch up and clear coat over the weekend. Actually looking forward to it! Using AMMO as a guide:
  9. To be honest this whole thread has gone a bit off topic .
  10. I did some googling for reviews on other car forums and it generally seemed quite positive. Basically its simple and quick but doesn't fill the whole just colours it. Just got a mail from the UK site saying delivery will be 10 days, they basically get it delivered from the US so I would probably been better off just ordering it direct from the US site and paying the import fee.
  11. Just ordered some, will post results at the weekend (If it arrives in time). Think I'm asking for too much though, my bonnets seen better days!
  12. Just found out I'm actually a Blade Silver, how embarrassing. I always thought they were the same colour. There is a true gun metal close to me, I've always wondered what he puts on his car to get it looking so dark and wet. I swear someone on here told me gun metal and blade were the same!
  13. I've not seen that front bumper set up before. Pretty poor place to pull over!
  14. Well it came back from the MOT fine, so there is at least one things going my way! Think I've decided to bring forward the body shop work I had planned for the new year and put off the service for a few months. Chargespeed rear and nismo v1spoiler coming my way. The front end needed a respray regardless, stone chips and a rust bubble spoiling the view. I was tempted to get a polisher and attempt a smart fix myself as it would be a good learning ground but think I'd just like to get it sorted and not worry about it anymore. 99% sure I'm not being targeted, I just live in a quiet street behind a strip of shops/pubs and the roads quite dark, there are only houses on one side and a trees on the other, so it attracts a lot of lurkers and drunks. I spend all my money cars and whiskey, not women.
  15. Well I'm trying to get Smart fix er to look at it, if they won't touch it I'll just invest in a polisher and have a go myself. I've already got touch up sticks/sandpaper etc. At least I'll then have a polisher for detailing.
  16. Would it be cheaper than respray and wouldn't I need to get it blended anyway? Already contacted Clark as as I was after a HR bonnet, presume they don't come ready painted to match 10 year old paint?
  17. Its a quiet back street but its kind of a cut through from one part of town to another, so probably some drunk on their way home. It was parked somewhere else but I moved it on Sunday as I realised the MOT had run out and there is a MOT garage on my road. I was hoping I could get away with a SMART repair until I get a proper spray early next year, but chips away have refused to come and have a look. Apparently they don't do bonnets or roofs?
  18. This is my problem, when running quotes on-line it doesn't seem to ask me for my claims history so I can't work out if it would cost me more. Should I just set my no claims bonus to 0 its currently 0.8 so its not a big difference. ~£25 If I end up getting the bonnet side panels and pumper resprayed its going to be ~£600
  19. My bonnet was keyed this morning I was hoping a smart repair might cover it until I get a respray next year. Chips Away have just refused point blank to look at it as its on the bonnet. They said a respray is the only way to go and it will probably need the bumper and side panels done to blend it in. Am I better off getting it done through insurance? My excess is £350 so it would seem so. I have no claims to protect (first car/first year of insurance), However my renewal is coming up in 3 weeks, If I make a claim will the price of next years renewal go up? I've noticed when filling out quote online I'm not asked if I've made a claim recently so not sure it affects anything.
  20. Just rang chips away and they refused it point blank as its on the bonnet, they said it would need a full respray!
  21. Would you like a bonnet with C**t scratched in it??? I have one if you'd like.
  22. They obviously must know me . Noticed it when putting my car in for the MOT, presumably it will now fail for bad language. I was going to get the bonnet resprayed in a few months but will now get chips away to look at it for a short term fix. It doesn't look too deep. I live in Brighton, I thought we were better than this!
  23. Either Super 7 in Worthing or Owen Garage in Haywards Heath, both have been recommend by forum members. Just found out my MOT ran out last week so getting that done first in case any other bits of work need to be done. Luckily I don't need to use my car and there is an independent MOT garage on my street and I'm parked outside. MOT/Service/Insurance all due in the next 4 weeks !!!
  24. I had an overheat in the summer and had to refill ~4 litres of the coolant so wasn't going to do it. Briefly mentioned it in the OP.
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