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Everything posted by Randy_Baton

  1. It helps to make the holes longer than they need to be, as this gives you some extra wiggle room.
  2. * Tablet not included tablet: £200 case: £30 elastic: £1 profit:LOADS!!!
  3. I've got some LED rears to install and was thinking of tinting them. Should I go with paint/vinyl/fly eye? Any think I should watch out for? I'm going to tint them before putting them on my car. Are there any strict laws on the tint level?
  4. I've got the same issue, it only makes a noise in the cold weather and only for a minute or two after start up. I've just had the belts changed. I would like to know more about this talc method! I can see trying to get the talc just on the grooved side of the belt would be an issue. Wouldn't WD40 do the trick.
  5. The whole of the back is covered in 3M so once stuck on I would think they would match the curve of the b pillar.
  6. I'm far from an expert but I've always been told you needed at least a 30 minute drive to recharge a battery. A low battery followed by a few sub 15 minute drives might leave it de charged? Have you tried a jump start?
  7. I'm fairly sure the guy on here that re-trims steering wheels has re-shaped steering wheels for members. I remember someone having the bottom part of the wheel flattened out.
  8. I was looking at getting the exact same wheels next year, but was put off by all the pictures of trucks sporting them! Interested to see how it looks on a silver Zed.
  9. I'm just keep my Shell petrol station lego collection - is that good enough proof?
  10. I got mine from Clark Motor Sport - £50. DE & Facelift/HR have different liners. DE Facelift/HR http://www.clarkmoto...ide/63845-CF40A DE http://www.clarkmoto...ide/63845-CD000 You'll probably want some of the body clips as well. http://www.clarkmoto...ner/63848-35F00
  11. If you've got the space for a car sized one then you've pretty much got the space for a proper garage.
  12. You on PS3 or PS4 then Randy? Nether really - I swapped to PC about 3 months ago and can't see any reason for me to go back to consoles until they drop significantly in price and I can pick one up on ebay for peanuts. But you never know if an exclusive game comes out that's amazing I might drop back onto console. The poorer graphics would be annoying though! Was just thinking about starting a Steam/Uplay thread.
  13. Randy_Baton: steam/PSN Randy Baton: Xbox
  14. It was the bolts that attach the CATs to the front part of the exhaust system. £60 - cheapest fix so far (except for the stubby).
  15. cheers for the offer but as there is a garage on my road I've let them look at it as I didn't want to drive it in case it was something more serious. There first assessment after hearing it was the exhaust is blowing from somewhere near the front. So I'm expecting it to be from the manifold . I'll know more later today.
  16. No idea how old the exhaust is. The sound gets deeper towards the back of the car so would have thought it's an issue further forward than the back box, but not sure. This might spell the end for my zed career, its getting too expensive for the small amount of miles I do.
  17. If the exhaust is blowing, is it safe to drive? It's not going to wreck anything is it?
  18. I'll try and look tomorrow, just after reassurance that this is probably a relatively cheap fix (exhaust and not engine knock)- my repair bill this year has been half the cost of the car! There is an MOT garage on my road that I can ask for a quick diagnosis on Monday.
  19. Nope, I've got a cobra (v1 i think). Does that mean you think it s exhaust based not engine based?
  20. Hi, Just drove from Leicester to Brighton today and when i got into Brighton and slowed down I noticed my engine was a lot deeper and raspier. Sounded fine when I left but had my music up loud don't know for sure when it changed. I hit a few large puddles on the motorway (60-75 mph) just before Brighton so that may have damaged something. The noise sounds a bit more like a rally car and is there when i accelerate but is more noticeable when i let off the revs and let the car idle. It sort of sounds like sticking a playing card in the spokes of a bike. If i walk round the car and open the engine bay, its hardly noticeable in the bay but gets 'bassier' the further ~I get towards to the back of the car. I'm hoping its just a hole somewhere in the exhaust. Car drives fine (although don't want to drive it until I know what the issue is). and no warning lights are on oil is registering 30 psi when idling and 60 + under revs. I took 2 videos the sound isn't great though. Accelerating then idling. http://vid1310.photo...zps4dirwqjg.mp4 At a stand still and walking round car. http://vid1310.photo...zpsyhsnq4nv.mp4 *****Edit***** New videos I cant see or feel any air being blown out, the sound is loudest at the back of the engine before the cats, but not sure if that could just be some sort of reverb effect. It gets deeper towards the rear of the car. http://vid1310.photo...zpsdz43wp6k.mp4 I checked the intake and can't see anything wrong, it is loose though as the bolt securing it to the plenum is missing.
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