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Everything posted by Randy_Baton

  1. I used to play forza with a controller and switched over to a steering wheel (the official xbox one), I was really exited but found it so much harder with the wheel I gave eventually gave up and never went back. Its sounds like project Cars is too hard to play with a controller so I might be stuffed. Anyone else found it harder with a wheel, I always thought it would be easier! I’m on PC now so at least I have more options if I want to go down the steering wheel route.
  2. Yeah... but Kwick Fit??? I'm going for new wheels and tires at some point this summer. I've heard DTS in Worthing is the place to go, might be a bit far for you though.
  3. Black or Red available from here + a fitting guide http://www.h-dev.co.uk/product_info.php?cPath=78_169_293_472_477&products_id=25417&osCsid=d32f171b90bc880395b6470aa667a499
  4. http://jalopnik.com/how-much-power-do-you-make-from-a-twin-turbo-kit-1702394926
  5. Yes, its day of release just like Assassins Creed Unity and Drive Club... They don't seem to be doing much in the way of pre-order bonuses so I hope its amazing. If it was going to be terrible they'd want to ship as many copies as early as possible. One of the previews I read earlier, had an update that said they only had a test build as of last month, so maybe its just wasn't ready for an early review. http://www.eurogamer...rmance-analysis
  6. The review embargo on Project Cars makes me very sceptical!
  7. I'd start by asking the question in the Kodi forums, they are usually very helpful http://forum.kodi.tv/forumdisplay.php?fid=164
  8. A member trader on here sells them. http://www.350z-uk.c...ior-vent-trims/
  9. sabnzbd + sickbeard + a usenet account. I don't watch anything on live TV (except the news whilst eating breakfast).
  10. I went for the underlay option and according to my db meter it made no difference what so ever... But I've ordered some of this )http://www.interfloor.com/underlay/colours-red/) and will try it in again in a few weeks. Went on a stag do and my boot was completely full up of bags, booze etc. and that was the quietest its ever been.
  11. Was it the one with the 370 decal down the side? it drove past me twice whilst I was standing outside the robin hood.
  12. Seems a good thread to leave this chart The future of the auto industry can be boiled down to one chart. http://jalopnik.com/...8fk9g,pexi6me2k
  13. Blimey, that's poor from the forum.. even worse that's it 2 users. Its not like they are difficult to fit. How much are these going for normally? There on my list of things to get at some point...
  14. Someone I work with has a mid 90's Peugeot, full plastidip in blue. Its terrible...
  15. I work in pricing for an Energy firm, everything regarding pricing is still in trial/experimentation. Early adopters get the charging points for free as we needed take up to get data. There are cancellation terms/fees that cover the cost of the charge point and keep the customers with us for enough time to recoup the costs of installation. I've driven the BMW i-3 a few times and its fun, but not sure if its just the novelty factor and having a new car to drive round in.
  16. I've had the same problem, tried 3 different readers all ~£5
  17. Have you tried playing a Cd? If so how does the quality compare? Using the blank cassette adds a layer of interference as the tape motors engage and the head unit will also turn on an pick up any static. You can disengage the tape mechanism fairly easily but you need to get the stereo out. If the hack is done correctly and your source music is of a decent quality it will match the quality of the CD player. Most people don't rip mp3s at CD quality though.
  18. You could just add an aux cable to the OEM head unit. It takes around an hour to do, just search for bose hack. Costs about a quid! If you want apps etc then you can just strap a mini tablet to the cubby hole with a thick piece of elastic. Costs about 50p. Check my build thread for an example (link in signiture)
  19. I'm blade silver, but have done it. The results are in my build thread - link in my signiture. You may also want to consider doing the wing mirrors at the same time. I have a spare set of handles for sale. It's less stressful spraying a spare set and you can use your car whilst your waiting for the paint to dry. Let me know if your interested in them.
  20. That's not always the case. I don't need a tape in mine, you can remove a spring and piece of metal whilst doing the Bose hack. This removes the need to have a tape in the deck and thus improves the sound quality. Only reason to leave it in is to keep the tack deck operational. Try it with a tape and if that doesn't work you'll need to follow the tape deck rest procedure - its a PITA. I always give up after 10 minutes and then come back the next day to find its working . You need to perform the tape deck reset every time the battery has been disconnected. Search the Forum for the Bose hack guide, I imagine its a sticky in the ICE section.
  21. Type the eBay number into the search bar, it'll bring up the other threads
  22. There are 2 other threads about it and I think they have the same title as yours. Forum consensus is don't go anywhere near it.
  23. 5 minute to job to fix (if you've got skinny arms). Follow this guide but do steps 4/5/6 then skip to step 10. http://www.350z-uk.c...ux-drive-belts/ If you've got skinny arms you can loosen the pulley and then reach down to the tensioner bolts from the top of the engine without removing the under tray. Just reach down round the back of the fans. Its a bit tricky to find the tensioner bolts (as you can't see them from the top) but if you look at the guide it shows you where they are. 1 tip is to tie a bit of string onto your wrench and then leave the loose end hanging over the front of the car. This will enable you to find the wrench easily if you drop it into the under tray and it slides away under the engine. When you tighten up the idler bolts don't over tighten as you can strip the thread (I did this!).
  24. Maybe it's different nowadays but when I was at that age (mid 90's) it was rubbish guidance anyway. At the time I wanted to be a racing driver, gun smith or Police pursuit driver ~ in that order. The guidance I received was rubbish as really the only legitimate job of those three was a Police pursuit driver but she didn't have a pamphlet about that so suggested the Military instead which although I did follow through with to some degree (passed physical tests/sat exams ~ was eligible for REME or the MP ~ my choice) it wasn't the right way forward for me as I liked being close to my family and wasn't interested in seeing the world. Ended up working my way up in a "Brewers Fayre" Pub kitchen (wash boy/starters & desserts/commis chef/sous chef), then did a Toolmakers apprenticeship, then worked in a car garage then probably another 6 to 7 other jobs before finally finding a career I'm happy with so don't give up as it's never too late to try something new. My careers advice said I'd make a good mechanic or a doctor...
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