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Everything posted by Randy_Baton

  1. Finally got round to taking a look today, as soon as pulled the arm rest off I could see the Mirror Switch Close command wire had come loose. All sorted now. I didn't have a proper crimping tool when I first installed the box so I just used a pair of pliers. Thought I'd been round a re crimped them all. Must of missed one! Thanks
  2. You have to take the whole mirror assembly off the car - maybe 30 minutes work if your quick! I just brought a second hand pair and painted them, then swapped them for mine. I've got my old pair for sale if you want to go the same route.
  3. New belts stretch, so they need re-tightening after a few weeks. Could be that wasn't tight enough in the first place if its only been on a few days. Try some silicone based spray on differnt areas to see if you can isolate the squeak. Mine belts were only bad in cold weather so it could be the change in weather causing the issue. Tightening them sorted it out. If your arms are thin enough you can reach the pulley tensioners by reaching down behind the radiator. If you can't get your arm down there then you need to get under the car. 5min job if you don't have to get under the car probably half an hour if you do. If you go behind the radiator, look at pictures first to figure out where the bolts are, its a bit tricky but doesn't take too long. One tip is to tie a bit of string on to your wrench as you'll probably drop it a few times. The string will make it a lot easier to retrieve.
  4. Depends on what belts your talking about and a description of the sound would help. AC belt and alternator belts on the front of the engine. The timing is driven by a chain not a belt.
  5. No, the dash may tell you if something has gone wrong with your car but the servicing guide is in your log book. see here for details: http://www.350z-uk.c...ule-for-a-350z/ It needs a service every year or a set number miles which ever comes sooner.
  6. You need to post a picture. one mans chip is another mans potato.
  7. How easy is it to clean the engine earth points in comparison to attaching a few wires?
  8. Hi Flyboy, My modules been going fine for a year but something seems to have gone wrong today. Got in turned the engine on and the mirror folded out as normal. Had to get through a tight spot so used the OEM switch to fold the mirrors in whilst driving and now can't get them to fold back out. If I push them out I can use the OEM switch to fold them back in but nothing will fold them back out. They also don't fold back in when I lock the car. Any ideas,? they have been virtually faultless since I got them working a year ago. Only issue I had is sometimes they only folded half out when i turned the ignition on, but I could use the OEM switch to fold them back in and out if this happened.
  9. I've got the same exhaust so I'm still thinking it's the heat shielding
  10. It'll be the heat shield on your exhaust rusting away. I had the same. The area around one the fixing bolts had rusted on mine and it was flapping away. I took the bolt out and stuck a massive washer on it!
  11. Black, see my build thread. í ½í¸ƒ
  12. You can adjust the pulls tensioners from the bonnet side, no need to remove the under tray. Just reach down the back of the radiator.
  13. Check my build thread (in my signature), I just used an old phone mount and placed it in the cubby hole. If you've got a phone case with a cover you can just stick it to the outside of the cubby with a piece of elastic. or
  14. See this topic: http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/100365-garage-floor-painting/
  15. Don't use standard wd40 use a silicone based lubricant. it then doesn't matter if you get some on the belts
  16. Whats the variety like? seems like a lot of the misson are the same?
  17. How much lead time did he want? I was going to get mine done next time I was driving past (which is next Monday!) Meant to call him today but forgot.
  18. Compressed air, held upside down. Its the change from hot to very cold that supposed to sort it out. Had the hair dryer on for 5 minutes There are loads of video where it doesn't work. From watching videos last night it seems curves don't work very well. And lets not forget that the rear 1/4 is double skinned.
  19. Just tried the hair dryer trick and it it did nothing, but at least it didn't cost me anything. Anyone else know how much this should be costing?
  20. Hi, looking to get a dent removed from my rear 1/4 (someone dinged me in a car park and drove off). The paint is fine, the scuffs buffed out, but there are 2 dents on the wheel arch. I've been quoted by 3 different places: £75 for drilling a 1/2 inch whole in the door shut to access and fix but they can fix anything on the very edge of the arch £110 for a fix that would get in to 80% fixed £240 for a repair and paint job. I wasn't expecting to have to pay for paint! Do any of these seem unreasonable?
  21. It could be the pulley squealing not the belt.
  22. If the iphone is charging you can enable a setting where you can say 'hey Siri' to start Siri rather than press the home button. You can also enable this function to operate when the phone isn't plugged in by jail breaking. I did this recently and having never jail broken before had it up and running in 20 minutes. However I ran into a major problem with Siri and ICE. If you connect your phone to your ICE using the audio jack it cuts out the iPhones internal microphone so Siri won't work unless you splice in an external mike into the audio jack. You might be able to use the 350z hands free mic?
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