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Everything posted by Randy_Baton

  1. Lifted: & RallyCross: https://www.instagram.com/overnightpartsfromjapan/
  2. Keyser, is the best result we can achieve with Mishimoto that the fans can work independently (either one on or both on) but when on they are on they are always at full power?
  3. f***ing noisy. have you ever heard the mishimotos?
  4. Cougar Store in Leicester. They are traders on here, you'll not find a bad word said about them. They are 350z specialists. http://cougarstore.co.uk/
  5. I started putting them on discogs once.... Far too time consuming! Not sure if my collection is viewable or not but here's the link. https://www.discogs.com/user/randy_baton/collection Thats about a 1/4 of it, Looks to be missing the jungle collection!
  6. No, I paid to have it fitted via blackvue, think it was an extra £100 quid on top. Think one of their cameras has a front and rear view camera combined unit. I've got the one with 2 separate cameras. The App used to control the camera is a bit of a pain but its regularly updated and the updates are actually pretty good. My main gripe is that the camera can only record in 1 minute segments so trying to find the right clip can take ages. It does flag each clip with a time date stamp and also the reason it was recorded. I.e if its recorded because the camera sensed outside movement (i.e. someone walking past) or the car itself moving (i.e. an accident) it will be flagged differently and can recordings can now be filtered by the flags. Also the WiFi signal is weak, It can't play a minute long clip on my phone without buffering at least twice.
  7. I've had 4 people drive into me overnight from Oct - Feb a right PITA! l took it to the body shop to get a quote on the font and by the time I dropped it off to get the work done someone had run into the rear! You could look into a dash cam - I've got the blackvue with power magic pro. Only issue I have is that if I don't drive it the camera only lasts around 2 days before the battery cuts off. As I only drive maybe once a week I've only got a 30% chance of the camera being on when someone drives into me next.
  8. I was going to get mine done at some point. I was recommended a guy that charges £40 per wheel. Seems a bit cheap!
  9. I've ~1000 90-00's dance records, no idea what I'm ever going to do with them! My latest idea is to blind bag them all up in batches of 10 and sell each bag for a £5 at the car boot.
  10. £90 each (free P&P) They came off a grey car but have been sprayed black. They could probably do with a respray, especially the driver side one as the grey is starting to show through (see pic). Good little DIY project for someone who want to try their hand at spraying. Motors work fine and they are off a GT car so have wires for the heating element. These do not come with mirrors. I can supply a pair of broken ones if required (they have 1 or 2 cracks)
  11. A map of all the countries Boris has offended in the past. http://indy100.indep...ed--W1zaTLC63rW I have a sneaking suspicion he is being set up for a fall, or that he's being punished with lots and lots of travel and very little sleep!
  12. The Foreign Secretary is responsible for Mi6 and GCHQ... The next Bond film should be a laugh. What's George Lazenby up to these days?
  13. I carry one of these in the glove box £85 http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/93077-super-powerpack-palm-size-jump-pack-that-start-v8/ Jump started my car fine at the weekend. I top it back up to 100% every 3 months but it only drops to 90% during that time and apparently will still work at 60%. You can also use it to charge smart phones etc. when away from the car.
  14. I mean, if your not going to colour coordinate your clothes with the car whats the point...
  15. Turn the air-con dial all the way to the left.
  16. I'm a sucker for an all black car, reminds me of nightrider - you need to spray those door handles black though.
  17. She may well want to make a stamp (like, any PM would), but less of the sexist bullsh!t please.
  18. Just used mine to jump start my car for the first time today. Worked like a charm. the power reading on the pack still states its at 100%, what do i need to to reset the circuit?
  19. I finished 'Inside' today and its an amazing story. It only took me 3.2 hours to complete, so at £14 (and with little replay value) the cost per hour is a little high, but well worth it. As an experience its probably somewhere high up in my top 10 games of all time.
  20. I think he's saying he can't get it out of gear as the clutch pedal is fully down and won't come back up, but the clutch itself is still fully engaged.
  21. Has anybody played 'Inside' yet? its the new game from the guy who made limbo, it only came out on the 7th. I think the less you know about it the better as letting the story/world unfold is half the fun. Best thing I can say about it is that it really reminds me of the 90's classic 'Another World' Probably played it for 2 hours tonight and the save progress puts me just over half way.
  22. Wiring guide here: http://www.350z-uk.c...fan-shroud-kit/ But yes they are very loud, they are also single speed so either full on or off,. which doesn't help.
  23. I just get an old candle and rub it over my car, sometimes I splash out and use a scented one.
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