What is it that disappoints you about it? Did u buy a dog of a car?
Its hardly a dog , no worse than any other 55k one I dont think, and the HR is much nicer than the earlier ones imo.
Think I should have bought one with less miles, the zeds dont hide their miles well, my GTT was twice the age and twice the miles and in better shape all round.
Think I have just found out i need to increase my budget to get the car I want, or spend a shed load on mine, which I dont really want to do so i'm looking at options, thats all.
I am fussy , I admit it i want mint or as close as I can get and I do prefer the 370 looks wise but its a lot of money to spend on what for me is a weekend toy but as I said the wife likes it so I can add an extra £10k to my budget
I love reading these posts, hmm, disappointed with this, that and the other, don,t compare to my xyz with 600 bhp supercharged superdooper toy
As much as I love my Z, I have a 22 year old 750 Kawasaki that will obliterate it at the blink of an eye, ok, its ****ing cold this time of year but that's what the Z is for