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Everything posted by zxrob

  1. Welcome to the forum A Wolves supporter, good man My first game at the golden temple was in 1969, wolves v liverpool with me dad Feck me, I'm getting old Rob
  2. As a roadster owner (sliver though), that looks beautiful Black an red go together lovely Rob
  3. Never bored with the Z guys, love it, just a little frustrated (in traffic) due to riding bikes Yeh, she is a big beast, when measuring up the garage to make sure she would go in it has a similar footprint to my qashquai Rob
  4. I need to get my brain into gear Since purchasing the Z I get a little frustrated driving it, nothing to do with the car, I love it Being use to riding powerfull bikes, I just nip around cars at leisure, pwer on tap and the space to do so, however, in the Z, although I have the power I'm weary of the space and find it so frustrating at times Funny I dont get the same feeling driving the qashqai Rob
  5. Hello and welcome Good luck finding what you want BTW, where the feck did you ady come from Rob
  6. Makes me smile Since buying my Z, a lot of my childrens mates keep telling me how they would woop my arse in the vtrsaxo/corsa with 12 inch dia exhaust, I however keep telling them I bought the Z for its looks, sound and torquey v6 engine, not to race folks, after all I'm a old ****er Anyway, one challenged me to a race which I gladly accepted, time and place to suit me, looking forward to seeing his face when I turm up on 750 kwak Rob
  7. Difficult to say without being on the car To me they look "a bit busy" Rob
  8. Hmmm, it's a car ffs, if it dont float you boat, get rid Rob
  9. Hi Welcome along, nice looking Z My daughter has a VTR Saxso, she loves it, I hate it, pile of junk I have a VTR, a proper one, VTR1000SP1 Rob
  10. Hi Looks smart Is it a "drive in" service they provide, my rays need attention and I cant be arsed with buying stands to put the car on and fooking about, If you dont mind me asking, how much Cheers Rob
  11. I bought my Z because I always loved the look and sound of them Beautiful looking car with a lovely torquey engine Lot of car for the money Standout from the crowd Rob
  12. zxrob

    Why is it

    When you have a nice car and try to keep it nice it's hard work My Z is my sunny weekend toy, keept in the garge, only comes out for a drive and a clean, my qashqai is my daily drive, out in all conditions So, why is it I manage to scratch the Z (albeit very small and will cut out) in the garage and the qashqai out in the storms is untouched, Grrrrrh Rob
  13. ****ing idiots, probably done by scotes who have nothing, never will have anything, have not the get up and go to ever have anything, unless it is given them Tossers Rob
  14. I must be getting old (wait !!!!, I am old) because I much prefer the one without the spoiler Sorry, just my opinion Rob
  15. When I bought my Z it had a private plate on that the guy kept, all new documents came through with the old registration My log book has a statement on it saying "non transferable number plate" Is it the case that a vehicle can only change it's reg plate once I have private plate that I wanted to put n the Z Rob
  16. I find the Z nice and comfy on long journeys and a real lazy drive When I collected mine a few months back I promised myself to drive like " miss daisy" on the way back but found myself so wanting to pin it Rob
  17. goo luck with your search for a Z It may feel slightly slower than the Scooby with that power but it will be a dam site better looking Rob
  18. The wife got me some renova for the roof and some nice polish Rob
  19. zxrob

    New stubby

    Well, we went out in the juke last night, she still aint caught on Ro
  20. I thought the original post was questioning why his mpg had gone "tits up" I' e asking a similar question given the same BTW, my mpg varies from about 17 to28 mph depending on where and how I drive Rob
  21. zxrob

    New stubby

    Had a bet with the next door neighbour she wont even notice Rob
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