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Everything posted by davedutch

  1. Pics look epic, bet it was good to vent some of the recent frustrations Amazing how "normal" the car looks after everything you have done to it, can't wait to see it in it's livery. Don't forget to post up some dates and venues.
  2. Don't think there is a solution other than disabling the alarm (not clever) I do agree with the alarm volume, parked outside Morrisons during a drive out on Sunday stood beside my car talking and took an age to realise my alarm was going off ( window open )
  3. With the de engine on that mileage this only seems a little more than I would expect, depending on how heavy your foot is. I had mine serviced a week before Wales and when I got home some 800 miles later I needed the best part of a lt top up, I have 98k on the clock. Worth watching and getting checked out if your worried though.
  4. It would have been easier to park the other way round glad you got it sorted
  5. just got back, some of the others stayed out to play for longer and have some food. Was a great day for driving but we did get stuck for a while behind a coach, GTR sounded awesome in the tunnels
  6. lower gears are for accelerating or when in traffic, 6th gear when cruising, just drop it down a gear or two when you need to accelerate (or when in tunnels) Pete, i thought there was a rule on the forum regarding swearing - you know only to use 98 ron or better
  7. if you decide to have uprev now you know there are mixed feelings on improvements and you are content to spend the money then there is nothing to lose and everything to gain, but if you don't do it you will never know.
  8. Awesome pics, weather looks great, a good day seems to have been had by all, young and not so young! must make it next year.
  9. Welcome to the forum and your new zed, as already said make sure you get a warranty
  10. Grundy225 posted, recently about setting up to do hydro dipping so may be worth a look. For wrapping I and several others have used pwpro in Mansfield but he is not keen on wrapping interiors
  11. Hi Sirius, Where did you get them? and post up some pics please
  12. I for one think you have done a terrible job, so terrible I think I will take it off your hands to save you the embarrassment of ever having to see it again!! Seriously, i love the look of the front end, not so sure about the rear but i'm sure this is just the begining and it will soon become as unique as the beast.
  13. The bottom line surely is the zed provides a reasonable performance, fair value for money, enough rarity to turn heads and IT'S FUN !!!
  14. Ian, you could always try carbon dipping "morph"
  15. Keep me posted, I definitely want to do this and if necessary could take a day trip to you to swop parts when ready, any excuse for a drive also consider engine bay bits.
  16. I for one was on the verge of getting Vlad to dip centre console and door pulls etc. Looking for a hint of blue. Are you planning on doing parts on an exchange basis and if not roughly how long are you planning to take turning jobs aroundand any ideas on price?
  17. Yes, bucket with meguirs (probably spelt wrong) shampoo, quick rinse and wipe down then spray and wipe shining monkey. All done in less than an hour including wheels. Probably average once a fortnight!
  18. +1 for shining monkey, aliveboy gave me some at Ace Cafe, very easy for a lazy car cleaner to get on with as it is good on all surfaces, brings my matt grey up fine with only a simple wash first.
  19. There is only one opinion that counts ( or two if you have a significant other ) !!!
  20. Andy, I'm starting to feel that I neglect my zed now, oil and filter every 6k plus top ups of course but then if i got free oil why not
  21. Just go to someone who knows what they are talking about, plenty of good traders on here who know the zed's inside out, until someone actually looks at the car you could be fearing the worst for no good reason.
  22. Just out of interest, why leave any car idling for seven minutes? There is lots of debate over engine wear and idling but engine needs to be moderately worked from cold to get oil circulating properly.
  23. I agree with gm, just had my clutch done, 92, 000 on the clock and Mitz assured me the old one was original, regarding the pinking, how about a simple engine tune as part of a major service, get clicking and bush done at the same time. I don't see the need for remap unless you want extra performance and reading some recent posts even that is not a given. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  24. Flex, I've had mine done about a year now, there are a handful of chips on the bumper but certainly nothing worse than on any paint job. Guess I could always drive like miss daisey but where is the fun in that. Also wrapping is far cheaper than paint and i can always have the bumper re wrapped.
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