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Everything posted by davedutch

  1. Matt, whatever the rent double it and that should cover all the basics inc food (as long as you dont have expensive taste) if you can afford that then move out- you have to do it sometime. Regarding the car, if you dont need it for work it becomes much cheaper to run and much more enjoyable, so short term find an obliging friend who will let you store the car, move into your own place and enjoy life.
  2. Everyone is missing the point, the 10% + 2mph is to allow for your speedo being out. Unless your speedo is regularly calibrated you have no idea exactly what your speed is so driving to the "allowance" can very easily land you in serious trouble. Obey the limits or face the consequences, 3 years ago I was invited to attend an awareness course after doing 34 in a 30 limit, six months ago I got another ticket so had to smile sweetly and pay up, that one was 35 in a 30. Both in a company car with a tracker that also monitors speed, on both occasions according to the tracker I was within the limit - there is no defence if you are caught.
  3. Mitz, Sorry i cant make this one, doing a brewery tour in Burton - maybe an opportunity for a future meet!?! I'm sure it will go down well
  4. Spacers and coilovers to lower the whole package, then dark tint the rear screen and quarter windows with a light tint to the side Windows. Finally ( as long as you don't like seeing where you are going) tint the headlights as well. Black betty will be very "KITT" and very stealth like.
  5. So much better looking all black, looking good.
  6. I disagree with gm on the. Handbrake lever but mainly cos mine is a mess and I need to do something with it. Great effort, let me know how you got on with the handbrake and how it lasts
  7. I thought you were out looking for a replacement for Wales, can doogy cope with 50 zeds? Better start saving now though cos shipping costs might be a little high :lol:
  8. I had similar last year, got mishimoto fan set from Mitz at Cougar Store in Leicester, problem solved. Fans cut in and out as they should and no issues since. Regarding journey home, turn your heating up to max and open the Windows, this will draw some of the heat from the bay and if you do find yourself in traffic stop and let system cool, also stop if gauge climbs to high, you might cause expensive damage if you keep overheating. Finally find a good independent garage they are much better value. Good luck
  9. Nevrr had any problems with esure apart from renewal price, oftern end up moving and going back following year, when I told them I had an after market exhaust fitted because it was cheaper than oem I was advised ( and confirmed in writing) that if it was designed as a replacement to the oem system there was no additional charge but would add an admin charge if done part way through policy.
  10. People should be sensible but no one is sensible ALL the time,
  11. Ekona, you are assuming people pick the phone up and put it to their ear before dialing! I'm sure many, particularly with cordless phone, just dial the number! Besides if the fraudsters are sophisticated enough to have recorded background noise surely it's possible they have also recorded a dialing tone. Regardless they only need a very small percentage for something like this to be very profitable.
  12. With the interest the Wales weekend generates I'm surprised so few have bothered to vote on it's future. I agree with "Chesterfield" we definately need a major driving event each year, but still say those who are prepared to put the effort into organising it should decide what appeals and it's up to others to join or not as they see fit. I for one have faith our illustrious team will do us proud whatever the venue
  13. Will, You need to do something about the door handles now, they look odd without your gold rims!!
  14. As already said, roof needs to be gloss black to pull it all together - mine is gloss black vinyl and I think it works with gloss black handles, rims and badges, spoiler looks good also like those whhel nuts. Great effort
  15. I have the perfect way to reduce costs and improve the fun element! I will leave the other half behind next time, no one to encourage me to slow down and one less mouth to feed
  16. From my viewpoint I bought the zed to drive it, loved Wales and love any meet that involves finding and driving new roads with different people. Not so keen on the idea of track days but mostly cos I don't like the thought of being uninsured, also not keen on static meets. I think Wales alternate years with "something else" for the years off such as Scotland, Europe, Ireland etc. Quite like the road trip idea but Lands End to John O'groats could be difficult to manage. Regarding costs, when you put up plan you ask for £100 non returnable deposit and a cut off date, realistically, if alternatives are not as popular that might be a good thing - as smd said smaller groups are more manageable / fun? Bottom line, organisers should decide what they want/ are prepared to organise and those that want to can join them, if people don't like the choice they can always get off their backsides and organise something themselves ( we should never forget the massive amount of prep that the dedicated few put in to these events)
  17. Nearly 18 months and still loving it, can't afford to sell with what I've spent on it and also she who must be obeyed actually likes this car (which is why I've got away with spending so much)
  18. Will, totally jealous, makes Wales pale into insignificance. Will look forward to your photos. If only i could persuade my other half....
  19. Love the livery, car looks great, hope the technical issues were nothing to serious and just teething problems. Also love the old Volvo estate you're drifting with
  20. This would be funny if it wasn't so sad, all that talent and all anyone will remember is the biting!! Personally for his, at least, third biting offence I would ban him for life - a bit extreme possibly but he clearly hasn't learnt
  21. This might be too big a job but before you take it in to bodyshops get "chips away" or similar mobile to have a look, they often perform miracles at your own home. Used one recently when my daughter scraped her black peugeot - she pushed in the sill about 600mm long, sraped the rear door and wing, cost me £250 and you seriously cant tell there was ever any damage.
  22. Go see Mitz @ C S he will sort you out!!! New fans, New coolant and you will be smiling again.
  23. As if they know something, Clarke motorsport have posted a deal on mishimoto cooling fans!!! I had the same issue a year ago in Derby, hopefully you have got it recovered to garage by now, this is a simple fix and you will soon be mobile again.
  24. Smd you have too much time on your hands! Could you not have simply taken the connector blocks apart and reconnected using the correct plug?
  25. Nothing is ever overpriced if you feel you are getting value for money, your money and you should spend it how you please. I am struggling to understand some of the negativity on this post, i for one wish i had been sensible enough to save for anything at 18. You have what looks like a clean example with really nice rims and i hope you get the smiles you deserve.
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