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Everything posted by davedutch

  1. Twenty or thirty cars could well be better than fifty! either smaller groups or fewer groups, however you look at it we should draw less unwanted attention. Also dont forget the longer established members have done this for "x" number of years and a fresh pair of eyes without someone looking over their shoulder will give this weekend a boost. Sign up or miss out your choice.
  2. Dave H. (Davedutch) plus one sat and sun accommodation booked Saturday night only Can't cut and paste from my android tablet so could someone do the honours.
  3. Inverness is only 7.5 hrs from me! Fantastic views and should be fun to drive, this is now on my to do list for a looooong weekend! good find, repost or not.
  4. Martin, Not been before so any chance you can post up a postcode for the venue, in case you need to know numbers my wife will be along for the ride. Looking forward to this.
  5. Rob, Perhaps this needs some sort of plug (link to clips from previous) so some of the newer members can see what Wales is all about. Last year there was a lot of chatter leading up to the announcement and as a newbee back then the chatter sparked my interest. It was a great weekend that doesn't have to be contingent on long standing forum members to make it a success, the roads do that all by themselves and the company is the icing on the cake. For those unsure, all I can say is you will meet a great bunch of people and enjoy some terrific roads. take a chance and let your Z stretch it's "legs" Dave
  6. Haven't heard from Martin and green bank farm apparently full so will book something as near as we can. See everyone there.
  7. Love those rims, also seriously impressed by you attention to detail, when this job is finished no one will ever know you used straws!!!!
  8. Will we see this in Wales this year? Would love to see this in the flesh!
  9. Thanks Neil and Graham for the advice, I thought five months was still a reasonable time in advance I have pm'd Martin and will see if he has any thoughts, otherwise my other half will have to be on soft drinks so she can drive after the music ends !!! Dave
  10. Martin, I had a real thing for Toyah back in the day, still got many of her CD 's!!! Never got to see her live so i cant miss this chance. My other half is working Saturday and isn't a fan of camping!!! Any chance you can recommend/ reserve a b&b or hotel for the Saturday night and do we need to book hog roast for the evening? We would probably arrive early pm and try to catch up with your drive out if thats ok. Dave
  11. 11 davedutch de55*** arrive Fri evening for Sat & Sun drives. Will book accomodation tomorrow as the bloke on the phone doesnt do group bookings!! Sorry I am unable to cut and paste using android tablet. My other half enjoyed this last year so she will be joining me again!
  12. Newark's not up north!! There are plenty of us that live in the middle of the country and will be happy with Newark as a venue, but you are probably right about the Civics
  13. Like a really expensive bottle of wine, you couldn't ever open it because it would become worthless!!! I had so much lego years ago, still have some of it and it's great watching my kids building things out of lego all my boys (youngest is 13) spend hours building star wars models but no chance of my getting them the millenium falcon at that price!
  14. I chose to work all but the bank holidays, did the same last year, put in roughly five hour days and got a bonus to boot! Also means I have more holiday for the zed friendly weather Also my kids are grown up and out doing their own thing with friends.
  15. Last years winter tale was gripping! Keep us posted and Grundy hope everthing is running sweet in time for Wales, at least there is no more mismatched wheels!! Wish i was nearer to you guys, it would be great to help out on some of your "projects"
  16. Something to look forward to in Jan then Graham! It sure makes all those bills from xmas easier to bear knowing there is Wales to look forward to.
  17. Had my spacers and coil overs fitted at the same time so 15mm lower and 20mm wider! Feels great to me and added bonus of improved looks.
  18. Forget being local, they are both exactly what this forum is about. Willing to help out anyone with issues regarding their Z Proper gents of the Z forum. But a real shame they are not a little closer!!!
  19. Put "L" plates on it and I'll have it for my son to learn to drive in! He keeps telling me he wants an impreza
  20. I agree with all the above, and the red leather sets off the carbon. Car looks great, think you are right about the sides of the console but how easy are they to take apart? Have to say i would ditch the nismo on the dash but as others have said it's personal to you.
  21. I suggested this last year but to late to make it happen. My suggestion polo with name - forum name and actual on breast, club logo across the back with Wales 2015 and date, Lakez 2015 and date etc. Listed below covering all planned major events, So like a tour t shirt with charity/ies being supported in 2015 as well sell at cost plus a bit and profit to be split between charity/ies
  22. Chris, will you ever buy anything that doesn't "need" fixing? I am sure you will love putting it through it's paces. Any thoughts on a name for this beast?
  23. Ian, I hope that is your place otherwise you better keep the pic away from your other half!!!
  24. Will vary by insurer, my son recently turned 21 and his policy now covers third party only with owners consent any car that is insured by owner, basically car has to be insured by owner and you need owners permission but all it does is make it legal for you to drive, there is no cover for any damage to the car in question.
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