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  1. Cleared the light for now, hopefully it was just a blip. Thanks
  2. If I reset the ecu will it effect the uprev remap?
  3. Great thanks, hopefully it's just a blip. The car seems to be running ok, I'll keep an eye on it.
  4. Thanks for your help, if the sensors are at fault is it still ok to drive the car?
  5. Thank you, how do I read my code/s? I'm not sure how to count them? also do I have just one code or more? If you can help please? that would be great thanks.
  6. Here is a video.. any help with figuring out the code/s please? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOstpg56TVI&feature=youtu.be
  7. Thanks, I have an uprev remap , would this effect it at all?
  8. Hi, The check engine light on my 350z has come on, it's not flashing, just constantly on. The car is modified but that was all done a while back. The car seems to be running ok. Has anyone else had experience with this? Is it ok to continue to drive it? What do you think? Thanks
  9. Please put me down for one to, going for remap at horsham september 15th. I'm also Sorry to hear about your father to.
  10. dbass


    Maybe thats what these guys do then, because you can choose 350z from there list.
  11. http://www.fastintentions.com/product_info.php?cPath=41_45_51_52&products_id=104
  12. Has anyone had experience with http://www.celtictuning.co.uk/ before? its just that its nearer for me to travel. It's not an uprev as I can see. Is uprev the BEST to go for?
  13. I'm possibly looking at getting some but not sure if I want the rasp really, are there any I can buy that don't rasp?
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