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Lee joe

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Lee joe's Achievements

Z Newbie

Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. Hi there.. Nice motor u got there.. Been looking at zedz for a while now.. Any chance could have a look at yours or take us for a spin? Only live near dronfield :-)
  2. If i was keeping a car for 2 weeks don't think id bother droping the oil tbh
  3. Fancy taking us a spin??? Only live round the corner near Dronfield :-) Been thinking about one for a few months now... Ps.. Watch all the damm cameras round there :-( Pps. UTB
  4. wow 331 is a great result mate!! thanks for the offer Daz if only......
  5. Cheers paddy, think I'll go for a 313 then just get a nice zaust.
  6. Cheers guys, not really chasing numbers, an example though.. If I did Exhaust spacer Berkshire and map on a 276 and gained 17-20bhp would I gain that from a 309 car?
  7. Hi guys I'll be on the hunt for a Z soon and just wondered if the HR was worth paying the extra for the performance.. From what I've read ( prob wrong lol ) but the 276 version has more scope for tuning? I mean is it realativly easy to gain 20bhp compared to the 309 or 297 car.
  8. Yes £480 I think :-(. Ain't the post 06 zeds the same?? Quick question guys, if I get an uprev and HFC's for the HR zed what power would we be talking?? Cheers
  9. Yea the mk2 mps has grown on me, even with the big smiley grill lol
  10. Thanks again fella's, oh if there's anyone around the Sheffield area like to show me their zed would be great :-)
  11. It's only got 2nd decat and intake.. Dyno'd at 285, not bad for those mods.. I might need the HR version then lol
  12. cheers fella's been a great car, just fancy a change
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